Saturday, March 8, 2014

Critics of TLM with 'idealogy' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus speak at Liturgical Course in Rome

A part of a course on the liturgy for priests and seminarians  has been organised by the Liturgical Office of the Rome Vicariate and the Pontifical Institute of the Liturgy, University of St. Anselm,Rome. On March 13, Fr.Keith Pecklers S.J is to speak.
 Mons. Arthur Roche, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments ,Vatican gave a talk last Feb 13,2013 as part of these series at St.Anselm.
Feast of the Assumption_05Mons. Arthur Roche and Fr.Keith Pecklers , offer Holy Mass denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and  interpreting Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. So the pastoral Vatican Council II emerges dogmatic . Since irrationally assuming one can see the dead saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) etc results in a negation of the ex cathedra dogma on exclusive salvation, the dogma on the infallibility of the pope ex cathedra, the Syllabus of Errors etc.
Those priests who do not interpret Vatican Council II as such are not allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass.
 Fr.Keith Pecklers could be incardinated ,if he wanted, in the diocese of Bishop Michael Olson and  be allowed to offer the TLM there. However Fr.Nicholas Gruner would not be able to be incardinated there or allowed to offer the TLM  at Fischer More College.Since he does not accept the irrationality of being able to see the dead on earth saved,  who are visible  exceptions to Tradition in 2014.
This is the New Revelation (allegedly from God) which has come into the Catholic Church and which all priests must accept to offer the TLM.
The New Revelation is accepted by the Jesuit priests  and Spiritual Directors  at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome where Fr.Pecklers teaches.
 It is also accepted by Mons. Arthur Roche  the former Bishop of Leeds, England where  no one in the diocese curia or offices  was willing to affirm the extra ecclesiam nulla salus in my communication with them a few years back.

Fr.Pecklers objected in the media to the Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews and has been a critic of the TLM.Mons. Roche will permit the TLM to be offered but without the 'ideology' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus . Both of them are denying the dogma on salvation, changing the Nicene Creed and offering Holy Mass in the vernacular in this condition of heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

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