Friday, March 14, 2014

Dr.John Dudley and the schools in Dallas

Feast of the Assumption_05
Dr.John Dudley a professor at the Fischer-More College uses a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. He is not aware of this premise. So he rejected Vatican Council II in its entirety. The same false premise used by Dr.John Dudley is the norm for interpretation Vatican Council II in all the schools in Dallas.
Dr. John Dudley
"I would argue that it is an dangerous standpoint for Catholics to say that they accept the II Vatican Council with the exception of those passages that contradict traditional Catholic teaching. There are so many passages that contradict traditional teaching that I would argue that it is of the greatest importance to entirely reject the II Vatican Council and to consider it comparable to the Second Council of Ephesus in 449AD which was rejected by the Council of Calcedon in 451. [Editor’s Note: The author later corrected this statement by acknowledging that the better analogy is to use the Second Council of Constantinople, which was a valid ecumenical council but was so deleterious to the life of the Church that it was eventually ignored and forgotten.] Catholics are in general ignorant of what the Second Vatican Council actually said. They need to know what the Council said and to know what is wrong with it and why it is incompatible with their Faith, and this is an important task of education."-Dr.John Dudley Fellow & Professor of Philosophy and Classical Studies, Fischer More College.
 In the passages which contradict traditional teaching Dr.Dudley is using the premise of being able to see the dead who are saved in Heaven (LG 16, UR 3, LG 5, NA 2 etc) who are exceptions to the dogma on extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors etc. For Prof. Dudley LG 16 (being saved in invincible ignorance) etc are visible for us instead of being invisible.This is a factual error.It is with this objective error that he interpreted Vatican Council II.
The same error is being made during Religion Class in Catholic schools at Forth Worth and the rest of Dallas.
Once the faculty of Fischer More College correct this error they can help the educational institutions in Dallas to also avoid the same mistake.
-Lionel Andrades


From school to university Catholic children are taught the false premise : Fort Worth Diocese
Ave Maria University of Tom Monaghan is making the same objective mistake as Fort Worth diocese
Chaplains at FMC used the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : cause of tension with faculty

Summorum Pontificum : those who do not use an irrational premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II are called reactionaries

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