Monday, March 3, 2014

Fischer-More College : TLM with ideology

Fisher-More denied ability to offer TLM

FMC Chapel
It seems as if there was the TLM there with the extra ecclesiam nulla salus 'ideology'.
Vatican Council II interpreted with the dead man walking theory was accepted . With the dead-saved-are-visible interpretation Vatican Council opposes the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.So the college rejected the Council.

Instead it followed Tradition associated with the TLM and affirmed the dogma on salvation.

On the other hand if the FMC had accepted Vatican Council II without the dead man walking premise, the students could still affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition associated with the TLM.

There is no new Revelation in the Catholic Church to do away with Tradition and especially the dogma on salvation.However we see this being done after Vatican Council II since the Council is interpreted with an irrationality. Even Archbishop Lefebvre and other traditionalists made this objective error.

So now the powers that be can end the TLM and claim they are doing so in the name of Vatican Council II.The traditionalists in ignorance just accept this
-Lionel Andrades
Three years after the College set out to add traditional Catholic spirituality and doctrine to its already established classical curriculum, we occupy a campus (the former Our Lady of Victory convent in Fort Worth) that was built to serve God and the Church for this specific purpose, that is perfectly suited for our long-term mission, that houses students striving for holiness while they pursue an education and staff who daily pour themselves out in faith, hope, charity, and sacrifice for a noble cause. In addition, we operate an online Academy with 450 students from all parts of the country who receive instruction and support from over 40 teachers and staff. After investing significant resources into developing the College and Academy to reach this point, we believe it is poised to truly serve Catholic families in desperate need of traditional, excellent, and affordable education for their children. Finally, we have an overall institutional plan for sustainability which, we believe, is better than any college not sitting on a large endowment. It is a plan driven by the goal of simplicity and affordability, it does not depend on debt and government subsidies, and it offers a unique, integrated program of Catholic education from grade school through college.(emphasis added)

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