Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fr.Paul Nicholson : At that time it was Archbishop Lefebvre , like Cardinal Burke who was correcting the pope.

Fr.Paul Nicholson has a report on the death anniversary of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.On his blog he mentions the  excommunication and its natural consequences. He has pulled down two comments of mine with  links to  posts on Eucharist and Mission.
One of the blog posts he removed in the comments section was this one.

Archbishop Lefebvre was correct in rejecting Vatican Council II(Cushingism version): the Magisterium was not aware of the false premise during the excommunication 

However Archbishop Marcel Lefevbvre did not know the exact cause of the irrationality and heresy of Vatican Council II (Cushingism version).
We must say it clearly: such a concept is radically opposed to Catholic dogma. The Church is the one ark of salvation, and we must not be afraid to affirm it. You have often heard it said, “Outside the Church there is no salvation”--a dictum which offends contemporary minds. It is easy to believe that this doctrine is no longer in effect, that it has been dropped. It seems excessively severe...

The doctrine of the Church also recognizes implicit baptism of desire. This consists in doing the will of God. God knows all men and He knows that amongst Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and in the whole of humanity there are men of good will. They receive the grace of baptism without knowing it, but in an effective way. In this way they become part of the Church.
The error consists in thinking that they are saved by their religion. They are saved in their religion but not by it. There is no Buddhist church in heaven, no Protestant church. This is perhaps hard to accept, but it is the truth. I did not found the Church, but rather Our Lord the Son of God. As priests we must state the truth.-Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1)
So what if 'they are saved in their religion'? Is this relevant to the dogma on salvation. Is this an exception ?
Yes it is for Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops and priests!

They have assumed that implicit for us baptism of desire is explicit for us and so is an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation. It is a fact of life that we cannot see any baptism of desire case in 2014. Objectively we cannot see the dead.
This error was then extended to Vatican Council II. The same error was also made by the liberals.It was overlooked by popes. It was overlooked also by the Prefects and Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine.
Today we have Cardinal Burke and other cardinals correcting Pope Francis on the issue of the divorced and remarried receiving the Eucharist at Mass.At the last Consistery of Cardinals, Cardinal Raymond Burke and many cardinals opposed Cardinal Walter Kaspar, the principal speaker.
Pope Francis supports Cardinal Kaspar.
At that time it was Archbishop Lefebvre , like Cardinal Burke today, who was correcting the pope. 
-Lionel Andrades

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