Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Guest speakers at the Fischer- More College (FMC) indicate the bishop faulted them for the 'ideology' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus

The list of guest speakers at the Fischer- More College (FMC) indicate that the bishop faulted them for the 'ideology' of extra ecclesiam nulla salus which the bishop assumes is contradicted by Vatican Council II interpreted with the common false premise.

Since the bishop possibly uses the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II FMC must be coming across to him as sedevacantists or traditionalists who reject Vatican Council II.
FMC Chapel
The President of FMC, Mr.Michael King and the faculty must show  the Bishop of Fort Worth, the Most Rev. Michael Olson, that we can interpret Vatican Council II without the common error. Then FMC would be able to affirm the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church in perfect agreement with the Council. They could be the first purely traditionalist college in agreement with Vatican Council II .

The bishop would not be able to accuse or suspect any one at FMC of denying Vatican Council II. They would be affirming all salvation mentioned or alluded to in Vatican Council II as being implicit for us, invisible for us. They would reject all salvation mentioned in the Council as being visible for us and so an exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

So they would be accepting LG 16 (invincible ignorance), elements of sanctification and truth (LG 8), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3), good and holy things in other religions (NA 2) as possibilities. In faith they are accepted as possibilities. Since they are known only to God, they are not exceptions. They are not exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and Tradition in general.

So FMC could affirm implicit for us  baptism of desire along with the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which does not mention any exceptions. De facto all need to enter the Church for salvation. Dejure (in principle) there could be people saved with the baptism of desire etc. This  does not contradict the Principle of Non Contradiction.

Then unless the bishop wants to appear irrational or heretical he would have to agree that Vatican Council II can be interpreted in a rational way and it is traditional on the subject of other religions and ecumenism. Non Catholics need to convert for salvation (AG 7,CCC 846 etc)

Presently the FMC, the new bishop and the curia of the diocese are not using a rational, traditional interpretation but are suggesting that we can see the dead now saved in Heaven.
-Lionel Andrades

The College has hosted many lectures in the past two years, some by our own faculty and some by invited guests. All of the lectures have been professional and scholarly, and many of the speakers took extra care to elaborate on statements that might be misconstrued. All speakers were available to our students and the public afterward for questions and discussion.
Several of the lectures have examined topics which can spark disagreement and debate, even among faithful Catholics (e.g., creation vs. evolution, geocentrism vs. heliocentrism, the Universal Reign of Christ the King, certain teachings of modern theologians, the message of Fatima, etc.).  The lecture that seems to have generated the most commentary in its aftermath was “The Faith in Europe” by Dr. John Dudley, a member of our faculty and professor of philosophy. In his lecture, Dr. Dudley chronicled the shocking collapse of Catholicism and Christendom in Europe and argued a cause-effect relationship between this state of affairs and changes in the Church that came in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. The text of Dr. Dudley’s speech is available here.
Below is a complete list of speakers at our College since the beginning of the 2012-13 school year:


October 2012 – Mr. Christopher Check spoke on the Battle of Lepanto.
November 2012 - Mr. Chuck Chalberg (impressionist) delivered A Night with G.K. Chesterton and imitated Chesterton defending the Faith against “isms” of the day.
December 2012 – Mr. Karl Strauch (professor of Theology at Fisher More College) lectured on The Future Universal Reign of Christ the King.


February 2013 – Dr. Taylor Marshall (at the time professor of Philosophy at Fisher More College) gave his conversion story.
March 2013 – As part of a conference on Thomism and Tradition, the College welcomed three guest speaker who were joined by Dr. Taylor Marshall (at the time professor of Philosophy at Fisher More College).  The speaker line-up at the conference was:
1. Dr. Jared Staudt of the Augustine Institute in Denver, Colorado, who delivered a paper criticizing certain points in the theological writings of Fr. Hans Urs von Balthasar, S.J.
2. Dr. Christopher Malloy of the University of Dallas, who delivered a paper criticizing certain points in the theological writings of Fr. Karl Rahner, S.J.
3. Dr. Taylor Marshall of Fisher More College, who delivered a paper criticizing certain points in the theological writings of Fr. Henri de Lubac, S.J.
 4. Father Thomas Joseph White, O.P., of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies, who delivered a paper and the keynote address on the Virgin Mary and the Church: The Marian Model of Ecclesial Faith.
April 2013 – Dr. John Dudley (professor of Philosophy at Fisher More College) lectured on The Faith in Europe. See text here.
May 2013 - Mr. Joseph Reidy (at the time professor of History at Fisher More College) lectured on the Council of Nicaea entitled “Nothing But Confusion and Fighting: The Council of Nicaea & the Origins of the Creed”
May 2013 – Dr. Robert Moynihan, founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine, gave a fascinating talk on what to expect from the Pope Francis papacy.
September 2013 – Mr. Hugh Owen, founder and director of the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation, lectured on creation and used Sacred Scripture and traditional Church teaching to argue that the theory of evolution is a fallacy and a threat to one’s Faith.  Mr. Owen, a true gentleman and man of the Church, disclosed that we were the first college (Catholic or otherwise) to ever invite him to speak on campus.
October 2013 - Dr. Robert Sungenis lectured on geocentrism, using arguments based on Sacred Scripture, traditional Church teaching, and science that the earth is fixed at the center of the universe. Dr. Sungenis showed lengthy clips of his soon-to-be released movie entitled “The Principle” as part of his presentation.
November 2013 – Mr. John Vennari delivered a symposium for faculty on the Six Components of Liberalism based on a thesis written by Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton in 1958. Mr. Vennari gave a public speech on his life as a traditional Catholic, and spoke to our student body on the dangers of modern music and popular culture.
December 2013 – Fr. Nicholas Gruner, founder and director of the International Fatima Rosary Crusade, lectured on the Message of Fatima and its relevance today.
Note: In the days prior to the arrival of Fr. Gruner for his lecture, the College was made aware of allegations that Fr. Gruner had been suspended a divinis. After investigating the public record of this matter and obtaining an explanation directly from Fr. Gruner himself, the College learned that no Bishop has ever issued a sentence suspending Father a divinis, and that Father has two separate letters from the Archbishop of Hyderabad confirming (1995) and reaffirming (1999) his incardination in that diocese. In any event, Father was coming to our campus to speak on the message of Fatima, and not to exercise any priestly ministries. Thus, the College proceeded with the event.


December 2013 – Mr. John Vennari returned to the College to speak on the life of St. John Fisher with special recognition of the heroic, saintly life of Queen Catherine of Aragon.

1 comment:

  1. It comes down to two words: TEACH and OFFER......

    The Catholic Church does TEACH that one's soul might be saved by invincible ignorance or Baptism of desire.( As known only to God) But the Catholic Church may only OFFER to one and all the fact that there is no Salvation Outside the Catholic Church and all must be Catholic or convert to Catholicism and die in grace free from mortal sin in order to attain salvation.

    George Brenner
