Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Interviewer has not asked Don Pierpaolo Petrucci about the objective errors in books sold by the SSPX

I have not watched the video of the interview of the District Superior of the SSPX, Italy (Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X-FSSP). However I am sure the interviewer has not asked him about the objective error he made in a book being sold by the FSSP. The same error is there in other books being sold by them.This includes books authored by Father Jean Marie Gleaze and Cristina Siccardi.
Don Pierpaolo Petrucci could have said in the interview that Vatican Council II has contradicted the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.
The interviewer would just take this for granted and not question it. Since the priest is affirming the political position of the liberals and the Left on Vatican Council II.
So he would not be asked how can being saved in imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3) and 'good and holy' things in other religions(NA 2) be known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? This was the error made by Don Pierpaolo Petrucci in a article he had written on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the loss of the missionary spirit in the Catholic Church Church.
By now the priests at Albano know that there are no known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. Yet they have to maintain the 'political' position of the SSPX and claim that the Council contradicts Tradition on the issue of salvation.
They know that the books critical of Vatican Council II are written based on a false premise. They have used a false premise and so naturally the conclusion is non traditional and liberal. If they omitted this irrational premise then Vatican Council II would not contradict the Syllabus of Errors or extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
However if a priest at Albano points out this error he could be in trouble with the political position of the SSPX at Econe ?
The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are always invisible for us but for Don Pierpaolo Petrucci it is always visible for us.You can read it in books being sold by the FSSP in Italy.
Vatican Council II does not state that there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but for the District Superior the Council does say this even though there is no text to support his position.
He personally cannot see any exceptions to the dogma on salvation in Albano. Yet he would suggest that he could name some persons saved who are exceptions. So Vatican Council II is rejected.
No interviewer deals with these issues.
-Lionel Andrades

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