Monday, March 10, 2014

Students at Fischer More College attend Holy Mass offered by priests in public heresy?

Feast of the Assumption_05The students at Fischer More College attend  Holy Mass at the churches in the Catholic diocese of Fort Worth.They must inquire if the religious communities there affirm implicit for us baptism of desire  along with the literal and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Do they affirm the dogma as it was known to St.Robert Bellarmine, St.Francis Xavier and St.Francis of Assisi ? Traditonally there was only implicit for us baptism of desire .It was never considered explicit and objective. 

The priests who have offered a public Mass in the Extraordinary Form and heard Confessions at the College chapel since August 2010, according the Fischer More College website,  are the following:
1. Fr. Simon Zayas, TOR
2. Fr. Juan Diego, CFR
3. Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB
4. Fr. Thomas Longua, FSSP
5. Fr. Philip Wolfe, FSSP
6. Fr. Joseph Orlowski, FSSP
7. Fr. Christopher Henderson, CFM

 If the religious communities TOR,CFR,OSB,FSSP,CFM,F.I etc assume the baptism of desire is explciit for us and is an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus they are denying an ex cathedra dogma. Also this is fantasy. Since we cannot see any exceptions to the dogma on earth.There are no physically visible exceptions.

 The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 supported Fr.Leonard Feeney. He was excommunicated for disobedience. The excommunication was lifted without him having to recant. He was granted a Catholic funeral.

 Students could ask the priests and their religious communities in Forth Worth if they believe Fr.Leonard Feeney  was excommunicated for heresy. If TOR,CFR,OSB,FSSP,CFM,F.I assume he was excommunicated for heresy,  they would be saying that Pope Pius XII made a mistake . He made an objective, factual mistake. It is a fact of life that we cannot see the dead. The pope assumed we could see the dead- saved with the baptism of desire , who are visible in the flesh exceptions to all needing to enter the Catholic Church ?.This is not true. The result of this irrationality is fantasy theology promoted by the secular media. It is also heresy and the students should not be expected to attend Holy Mass being offered by a priest in public heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

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