Saturday, March 15, 2014

Voris does a good job explaining the disastrous LA religious “education” conference

Posted by tantamergo
I put education in scare quotes, because it’s really much more oriented towards propagandizing than true catechesis.
Many are probably familiar with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Religious Education Conference held every March from the abhorrent videos of liturgical abuse that invariably surface each year. This conference is wildly popular in Amchurch circles, attracting thousands of attendees and sparking imitators around the country, including in our own Diocese of Dallas (which, I must hasten to add, is much more orthodox, even if there remain problematic presenters, such as one of last year’s keynote speakers, popular heretic and new age evangelist Fr. Ron Rolheiser).
Michael Voris goes into some depth in this most recent episode of his “Dispatches” series, spending about half an hour exploring the aberrant beliefs and open heresy of many of the LA conference’s speakers. There is a great deal of good info below, even if Michael could have easily produced a 2+ hour video and still not captured even half of the heresies held by those allowed to “educate” Catholics in LA.
This video is very informative and well worth your time if you have a little quiet period this weekend:
This video is very informative and well worth your time if you have a little quiet period this weekend:

As a final note, now that Archbishop Gomez has been in LA for nearly 3 years, it is very sad to see that he has made precious few visible efforts to change the course of the LA trainREC. I’m not convinced Gomez was ever very orthodox (see the desperate condition of the Archdiocese of San Antonio), and he certainly doesn’t seem to be making many waves in reforming an Archdiocese of LA which visibly decayed during Mahoney’s period as ordinary.
Destruction is easy, building up is hard.

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