Friday, April 25, 2014

Approximately 11,000 foreign jihadis in Syria, recruited through social media and Skype

Approximately 11,000 foreign jihadis in Syria, recruited through social media and Skype

By on Apr 24, 2014       
article-syria-0904According to the popular Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta and as relayed on Arabic media, “the civil war in Syria appears to be in need of more victims, so that the jihadis are making use of the social networks to recruit fighters from among the Muslims of Britain.”
Adds the report: “A new wave of recruitment of fighters has begun through social Internet networks, whereby there are approximately 11,000 foreign fighters among the ranks of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria and the Nusra Front, 1,900 of whom are from Europe, 366 from Britain, 269 from Belgium, 412 from France, and 249 from Germany and Scandinavian countries.”
The Russian paper added that “thousands of pictures of boys carrying weapons and calling on their friends and peers to join them in Syria have been deployed on social networks,” pointing out that “Skype is also used to exchange experiences between old and new fighters.”
Accordingly, “the Syrian crisis has become history’s first battleground to recruit fighters across its social networking.”

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