Monday, April 21, 2014

Archbishop has not specified if he is correcting Maria Divine Mercy for not accepting his 'theology'.

Maria Divine Mercy is not the last prophet for me. The last prophet was St.John the Baptist.Much of what she has written and predicted is there in other apparitions and locutions of Our Lady, approved by the Church or the local Bishop. 

So when the Archbishop of Dublin criticizes her theology he should have been  specific.
She is correct on three points.
1.She announced the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in advance.
2. She indicated that Pope Francis would deny the Catholic Faith. He has done so. The Italian Communist president has said that the pope has put aside dogma and doctrines. The Rector of the St.John Lateran University has said the same.
3.There is an attempt to wipe out all traces of the Catholic Church. 

But even on the first two points above there were many reports in the secular media.For a few years there had been reports on the possible resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.Also it was known that Cardinal Bergoglio was a liberal supported by other pro-Left cardinals. 

Much of what she has been saying is explained in Our Lady's Messages to Fr.Stefano Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests.He would have a yearly private audience with Pope John Paul II and was hated by the Freemasons. 

I have not read most of Maria Divine Mercy messages .She affirms traditional Catholic teaching.It  is being denied, or not clearly repeated  by Pope Francis and the G-8 cardinals.
Even the Archbishop of Dublin interprets Vatican Council II and the Catechsim of the Catholic Church with an irrational premise.It results in a theology which is a break with the past.The Archbishop has not specified if he is correctiing Maria Divine Mercy for not accepting this 'theology'.
-Lionel Andrades 




  1. Fr. Gobbi also prophesied that John Paul II would define the "Third and Final Dogma of Mary" as Coredemptrix. That never happened.

  2. I don't recall Fr.Gobbi predicting the "Third and Final Dogma of Mary" as Coredemptrix.
    However there were other things he did say which never happened.

    We don't know why.

    Jonah also predicted many things about Nineveh which did not happen.
