Monday, April 14, 2014

Archdiocese of Westminster CCRS study day

An account of dissent and political correctness at an Archdiocese of Westminster CCRS study day for teachers by Patrick Lawler
“One of the teaching days on the Westminster CCRS course I attended was specifically for teachers in ‘Catholic’ (you’ll see why I place it in parentheses as we go along) diocesan schools, mostly primary schools, as it turned out but with a few from secondary. The theme of the day was “What makes a successful Catholic School?”
The state of ‘Catholic’ schools (Primary and Secondary) can be illustrated by the following points, all of which are real responses, views and official policies I read and heard on the day. I am not making any of this up:
  • It may not be said or taught at any time and in any context that the Roman Catholic Church is the One True Faith.
  • All religions and faiths are equally valid and worthy of respect.
  • Sodomite ‘marriage’ is to be celebrated and approved of.
  • Children are “sexual beings” from an early age and sexual experimentation and questioning are to be encouraged and accepted.
  • There is no such thing as “normal” in terms of sexuality, marriage or family structure; these things are fluid, changeable and not subject to any fixed morality.
  • There is no such thing as absolute Truth; truth is relative.
  • There is no such thing as objective morality; morals are relative.
  • One’s own conscience is the ultimate guide, not a fixed system of rules “imposed upon us by a patriarchal Church”.
  • As long as one has love and good intention, one need not attend Mass.
  • The Eucharist is symbolic.
  • The Koran is a holy book.
  • Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Hell does not exist.
  • Satan does not exist.
  • All people are saved.
  • There is no such thing as sin (apart from being “judgemental”, obviously!).
  • The Labour Party is the champion of the “Poor and Oppressed”.
  • The European Union is an unalloyed good.
  • The United Nations is an even bigger unalloyed good.
  • Abortion is a woman’s choice; no patriarchal “Church run by celibate old men” has anything of value to say on the matter.
  • Contraception is a really, really good thing (no patriarchal “Church run by celibate old men” has anything of value to say on the matter).”

    Patrick Lawler :
    However, there is one glaring and crucial exception; “Extra ecclesiam nulla salus” – EVERYONE present either openly did not accept it or, while somewhat uncomfortably accepting it, maintained it simply could not be taught in “Catholic” schools because:
    i) It is exclusionary and would offend or upset people (ditto mentioning Hell and/or sin)
    ii) It simply can not even be said because “Ofsted would come down on us like a ton of bricks” (direct quote from a participant)

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