Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Diocese of Lancaster is suppressing information about the Catholic Church and misrepresenting Vatican Council II

Is there not ONE priest or Deacon who could cite text from Vatican Council II and prove me wrong ? Is there no one who is willing to dare say that I am correct and RISK his reputation and may be official stay in the diocese ?
There are so many critical reports and the public relations department at Lancaster has nothing to say ?

The Diocese of Lancaster is suppressing information about the Catholic Church.It is also providing wrong information, even after being informed.No one is commenting on these blog posts sent to them.The bishop has also placed restrictions on Deacon Nick Donnelly and has suppressed free discussions about  the Catholic Faith, on Donnelly's Protect the Pope blog.
On the official website, there is a  section titled The Church. Bishop Michael Campbell makes no mention of the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation and the need for all people to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.This is an omission.
Like the Conference of Bishops of England and Wales website he could be assuming that Nostra Aetate 2 refers to known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
There is no reference in Nostra Aetate to known cases saved with 'a ray of that Truth'. That a person can be saved as such is hypothetical. It is a possibility known only to God. Nostra Aetate does not suggest that this is a known reality.So NA 2 does not contradict the traditional teaching on other religions and Christian communities.If this is inferred by Bishop Campbell then it is wrong.The text of Vatican Council II does not make this claim.
To infer that NA 2 contradicts the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus is irrational. It implies we can see the dead- saved with 'a ray of that Truth' and these cases are explicit exceptions to Tradition.
I have mentioned this in quite a few blog posts with reference to the Diocese of Lancaster and neither the bishop nor any one else responds.
They are suppressing information on this issue and misrepresenting the Catholic Church and us Catholics.The Diocese of Lancaster is not providing honest information about the Catholic Church and their priorities could be politically motivated.For political reasons they are promoting an obvious falsehood.
There have been so many reports critical of the website statement on other religions and ecumenism, including the work of Deacon Nick Donnelly and the Catholic Truth Society - and the Bishop has nothing to say ?
I have been saying that Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So the Council does not contradict the traditional teaching on other religions.The bishop is using a false premise in the interpretation of Nostra Aetate.Vatican Council II appears to contradict the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church with the use of the visible-dead premise.This irrationality is also taught by the priests and Deacons of the diocese.It is approved by Bishop Michael Campbell.
Is there not ONE priest or Deacon who could cite text from Vatican Council II and prove me wrong ? Is there no one who is willing to dare say that I am correct and RISK his reputation and may be official stay in the diocese ?
There are so many critical reports and the public relations department has nothing to say ?
Usually Feeneyism is a scapegoat.Perhaps the diocese is also ready to use this  propaganda. Does the bishop consider being saved with the baptism of desire as being a known exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney ? Is being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) an explicit exception to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney ? If it is ,then did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 make an objective mistake, for the Diocese of Lancaster?The Magisterium made a mistake in thinking the baptism of desire was relevant to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
If Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct or wrong, Nostra Aetate does not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus.If Fr.Feeney was correct or wrong ,'imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3) is still not an exception to the traditional teaching on other religions.
The Diocese of Lancaster is providing false information about the Catholic Church by (1) not citing Ad Gentes 7 which states all need faith and baptism for salvation and (2) not mentioning that Nostra Aetate 2 etc do not contradict Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.The Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 is not contradicted by CCC 847 and 848 as is suggested in Lancaster.
-Lionel Andrades

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