Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dominicans at the Curia Headquarters do not want to comment

Dominicans at their Curia Headquarters do not want to comment on this issue:-

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J and Pope Benedict XVI made a factual error : Analysis
This is also the orthodox teaching of the Catholic Church which the Dominicans will not affirm. So their criticism of Sr.Jane Dominic Laurel is not surprising.
Even the chaplain and priests at the University of St.Thoms Aquinas (Angelicum) Rome will not respond regarding the post above.They are all teaching theology with the same error of the International Theological Commission. Chaplains do not want to proclaim the Catholic Faith in public.
-Lionel Andrades

UPDATE: Bp. Jugis (D. Charlotte) endorses Sr. Jane Laurel and talk at High School

I have written about the incident at the High School in Charlotte, where Dominican Sister Jane Laurel gave a talk on human sexuality that produced sparked a mob reaction. Nun UNDER The Bus and Sister explains the situation. Spittle-flecked nutty, bullying, intimidation ensue.
From LifeNews:
Charlotte diocese backs nun who gave school talk promoting Church teaching on homosexuality
CHARLOTTE, NC, April 7, 2014 ( – The bishop of Charlotte is backing a Dominican nun who has been at the center of a fiery controversy since last month when she gave a speech promoting Catholic teaching on sexuality to students at Charlotte Catholic High School.
After a public meeting with diocesan and school officials turned ugly, with parents and students alike shouting at administrators over what they perceived as “hateful” remarks criticizing homosexual behavior, divorce and extra-marital sex, [To think... that's how conditioned people are now by the MSM and the "new normal".] a spokesman for the diocese told LifeSiteNews that the nun in question, Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel, did nothing wrong and will be welcome to speak on the issue again if she chooses.
Nothing in Sister’s talk opposed Church teaching,” Diocese of Charlotte Communications Director David Hains told LifeSiteNews in an email. “Sister would be welcomed to speak in the diocese in the future.”
Hains said Bishop Peter Jugis is expected to make further public comment on the situation soon.
Sr. Laurel’s critics have complained about a section of her talk in which she discussed scientific findings related to the causes of homosexuality. [And here I thought the Church embraced science.] According to the Charlotte Observer, she was accused of using “suspect anecdotes, antiquated data and broad generalizations to demonize gays and lesbians as well as divorced and single parents.” [That's right... if you state what the Church teaches, that homosexual acts are disordered, that's "demonizing".]
But one Catholic scientist says he recently heard the sister give the exact same speech she delivered to the students, and in his opinion, there is nothing in it to which a practicing Catholic could possibly object.
“I was in attendance at the same presentation when given on Long Island, NY a few months ago,” Dr. Gerard Nadal told LifeSiteNews. “In that meeting, Sister Jane gave medical and scientific data that came from reputable sources and were presented as examples of the consequences for human behavior that contravenes the moral magisterium of the Church. As a Ph.D. in medical science, and as a Catholic schooled extensively in my faith, I saw no contradictions, but rather a seamless presentation.”
Still, in light of all the controversy, Aquinas College announced in a press release Friday that Sr. Laurel has asked to take a sabbatical from her teaching and speaking duties for an indefinite amount of time.
After the sister’s speech at a school assembly last month, students at the school launched an internet petition drive demanding an apology from everyone involved with arranging the speech, which quickly garnered thousands of signatures. Some parents also initiated a letter-writing campaign to the school’s chaplain, the bishop and even the Vatican, to complain. [Complete with pitchforks and torches.]
Last week, school and diocesan officials held a public meeting to address the issue. The meeting attracted nearly 1,000 people, most of them offended by the nun’s remarks.
The Diocese of Charlotte’s newspaper, the Catholic News-Herald, reported that the meeting was acrimonious, with those who dared to speak out in support of Sr. Laurel or the Church being shouted down by an angry mob. The paper’s sources called the atmosphere “disrespectful” and “hate-filled.
[... READ THE REST THERE... several quotes of reactions, all interesting...]
“Darkness has fallen upon us with all of the attendant confusion which it brings,” Kauth continued. “Our Lord can speak to this darkness just as He did in the beginning and say, let there be light.”
To read Fr. Kauth’s full statement regarding Sr. Laurel’s presentation click here.
Diocese of Charlotte
Phone: (704) 370-6299



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