Wednesday, April 23, 2014

For SAI is CCC 846 in agreement with extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted by Brother Francis M.I.C.M and Fr.Leonard Feeney?

Sister Maria Philomena is the Director of the Saint Augustine Institute of Catholic Studies (S.A.I.). (1) She writes studies at the Center (studies that go back over seventy years) are for those who can not be at Saint Benedict Center in person.It is the educational arm of the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center, one of the primary means by which they are working to convert America.
America can be converted; but someone has to labor for the achievement of this great objective. And, indeed, it is an objective so great that no one individual can reasonably undertake it alone, and no group can do it without order, patience, sacrifice, discipline, and education for the job. Tis is, in brief, the purpose of the Saint Augustine Institute of Catholic Studies.” (Brother Francis, SAI Circular Letter #1, December 21, 1977)
Part of the organizational work I am doing (with the input of many colleagues) is to take S.A.I. and give it the structure Brother Francis had envisioned: this consists of books, videos, audio lectures, and articles from our studies and beyond. We are also outlining different diplomas and certificates so that those who wish to study according to the school of thought of Saint Benedict Center can have incentives and guidance. (Of course, the Syllabus will still be available online for those who wish to study on their own.)
Te official diploma, as Brother Francis anticipated, will be the equivalent of an Associates Degree (sixty credits). Te memory items and books reports outlined in the SAI Syllabus will still be required, although many of them will be worked into the forty-eight credit hours (15-16 hours of classes per credit hour) of classes in the four departments of Philosophy, History, Scripture, and Sacred Doctrine. Te remaining credits will be obtained by book reports and apostolate work (one hour every trimester devoted to sharing the fruits of your studies with others — lots of opportunities here!).My team and I are working on an affordable online curriculum for you. We plan to give you the opportunity to follow a structured program complete with audio and video lectures, memory items, supplemental text documents, progress tracking, study helps, assessments, and book report submissions, all capped off with contact from me to help answer your questions and keep you on track. 

I have often had adults tell me “Oh, I wish I could go back to school and be in your class!” Well, soon you can! ying together earlier lectures by Brother Francis (and various other speakers), I will be your personal guide through the S.A.I. so that you do not have to go through it alone. If you are interested in starting or continuing your studies at S.A.I., or if you are interested in helping (by writing interviews, doing audio transcription, writing quizzes and tests,
etc), please let me know. Look for upcoming announcements as this project of re-organizing the Saint Augustine Institute of Catholic Studies unfolds. And, most importantly, please pray for our success!
How do they interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II. For SAI is CCC 846 contradicted by CCC 847, 848 ? Or is CCC 846 in agreement with extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted by  Brother Francis M.I.C.M and Fr.Leonard Feeney? There are no exceptions mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church to the traditional interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Similarly does  Ad Gentes 7 agree with Fr.Leonard Feeney ? Is LG 16 an exception to AG 7 for SAI ?
-Lionel Andrades 
If you are interested in the
St. Augustine Institute, you can download, for free, Sister’s MP3 talk:
“Conserving The Liberal Arts For Salvation.”
Email Sister Maria Philomena at:

Catechetical programs of the USCCB in Boston, Worcester, Manchester are using a false premise

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