Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fr.Edward McNamara L.C and the Society of St.Pius X

For Catholics, assistance at Mass celebrated by priests of the Society is not in itself a sin. However, assistance at Mass celebrated by a priest not in good standing with the Church "deprives participation at Mass of that fullness of communion with Christ and his Church which the Mass, by its very nature and in all its forms, is called to express".[37]
Fr.Edward McNamara is the Dean of Theology at the University Pontificial Regina Apostolurum (UPRA) of the Legionaries of Christ in Rome. Inspite of so many e-mails sent to him, he will not respond.Neither will Fr.P.Scarafoni the Rector of the Legionaries of Christ , European University in Rome affirm the Catholic Faith on exclusive salvation, accoding to Vatican Council II (AG 7) etc.
Does the Mass which Fr.McNamara O.P offer have 'the fullness of communion' when he will not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in accord with Vatican  Council II ? He interprets the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846) as a break with the past teachings on salvation ?
 Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum - Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum
Could not the SSPX complain about him and so many other Legionaries of Christ priests in Rome including Fr.Paolo Scarafoni ?
Even the Legion of Christ  priests reject Vatican Council II if they assume there are known exceptions mentioned in the Council to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational.

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