Saturday, April 12, 2014

Institute of Christ the King to have the Traditional Latin Mass in England with a New Ecclesiology ?

“AN APPEAL FOR THE ‘NEW EVANGELISATION’: Help the Diocese support those New Religious Communities coming to us” available on the Lancaster Diocese website, the Right Reverend, Michael Campbell, Bishop of Lancaster, says “the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, will, in the autumn of this year, assume responsibility and care for St. Walburge’s church, Preston.  This highly regarded Institute of priests, who use the Extraordinary Form fully approved by the Holy See, will bring much needed life to this magnificent church with a daily routine of prayer and worship, open to all. The Diocese is most grateful for the Institute’s willingness to assume this challenging apostolate of prayer and devotion at St. Walburge’s.”

In this New Evangelisation Catholics cannot say that the Church is necessary for salvation (Dominus Iesus 20) and that the Church is the ordinary way of salvation (Redemptoris Missio 55) and that outside the Church there is no salvation (CCC 846) and that all need to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism' (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II)
Neither is it stated in the following passage from the Lancaster Diocese website (New Evangelisation).
Characteristics of the New Evangelisation
a) It is not new in its content; its theme is always Christocentric, that is, the one Gospel given in Jesus Christ, the Lord and savior of all mankind. Pope Benedict XVI has often reminded us that “being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the event of an encounter with a person – Jesus Christ, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction”.
(Lionel: It is Cristocentric without the neccesity of the Catholic Church for salvation. One can even be a Jehovah's Witness and believe in Jesus and be saved.It is not necessary to enter the Church for salvation).
b) It is inspired by the Holy Spirit who guided Jesus’ steps and, from the day of Pentecost, guides the Church. The gift of the Spirit is the prime mover, the first source, the first breath of a true evangelisation.
(Lionel: Evangelisation for centuries included the teaching on the necessity of all to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Vatican Council II has the same message in Ad Gentes 7).
c) It is the responsibility of all the people of God, not just the work of a few people with a special vocation. All the laity are co-responsible. As Christians, we cannot avoid the supreme duty to evangelize.
(Lionel: With which doctrine ?)
d) It is not just for foreign missions or only those who have not heard or believe the Christian message. The new evangelisation is also for healthy Christian communities and for those Christians who have lost a living sense of faith.
e) It is directed to individuals as well as to entire cultures of people and a wide variety of socio-cultural and demographic sectors.
f) It is not only about proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God, but involves the comprehensive process of being Christian, ongoing conversion and catechesis, and creating a civilization of love.
(Lionel: So like the other Catholic liberals it is about proclaiming the Kingdom of God and not mentioning exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church. Since Lumen Gentium 16 etc it is implied, refer to cases visible to us in 2014 and so are an exception to the old ecclesiology).
g) It calls for a faithful missionary spirit that springs from prayer and holiness, hope and charity toward others.
(Lionel: And which rejects Catholic dogma and doctrine in visible heresy?)

We will have the Traditional Latin Mass offered by the Institute of Christ the King with a denial of dogma and Catholic doctrine. They will present a new Ecclesiology in which it is assumed that the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 is contradicted by the Catechism of the Catholic Church 847 and 848.
It is not rational to assume that the dead saved (CCC 847) are a visible exception to all needing to enter the Church as through a door (CCC 846).
-Lionel Andrades


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