Monday, April 28, 2014

Medjugorje Myth Or Miracle

Here is a beautiful video made by a pilgrim to Medugorje. It reminded me of my visit and stay there. The peace and presence of God was there. I was there for about three months and I did not want to leave.It was a little piece of paradise  with so much of joy and the very strong Presence of Mother Mary.
There were so many conversions which I saw there. So many young vocations all inspired by Medugoje. So many changed lives.I saw many  people there who were freed from the power of the occult.
The experiences of these people and at the very places I walked and stayed at often, shown in this video,were my very experiences.

Hat tip, as usual, to Spirit Daily.


  1. I am the producer of the Doco you mention and thank you for your kind words. We have had to remove it as it was never meant to be public yet. It has gone to a sales agent so I can recuperate some of the huge cost of making it. I would like to know where you got the link please.
