Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Terms, Techniques and Practices of the New Age
The Vatican has given us a document that is a Christian reflection on the New Age. In it is this quote:
Advertising connected with New Age covers a wide range of practices as acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, kinesiology, homeopathy, iridology, massage and various kinds of ‘bodywork’ (such as orgonomy, Feldenkrais, reflexology, Rolfing, polarity massage, therapeutic touch etc.), meditation and visualisation, nutritional therapies, psychic healing, various kinds of herbal medicine, healing by crystals, metals, music or colours, reincarnation therapies and, finally, twelve-step programmes and self-help groups.”
(Source: Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life: A  Christian reflection on the “New Age”
– The Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue)
Other Examples
Cartomancy (fortune-telling by cards), numerology, astrology, divination, runes, palm-reading, magnetism, enneagram, graphology, talismans and amulets, tantrism, dream interpretation (oneiromancy), superstition, séances with mediums and channeling, healing séances with beings of light, séances of individual reconnection, the Ouija board, belief in karma or reincarnation, New Age healers (Jesus is the only Healer), telepathy, telekinesis, positive thinking, dowsing with divining rods or pendulums, Toronto blessing, autosuggestion, transpersonal psychology, new thinking, human potential development, belief in UFOs and extraterrestrials, symbolism, voodoo, white or black magic, shamanism, hypnotism, astral projection, psychic power, New Age breathing, reading auras, all forms of energy healings, opening of chakras, Zen, shiatsu, feng shui, the Silva Method, transcendental meditation, mental suggestion, Ayurveda, the Kama Sutra, all stages of New Age internal healing, all New Age relaxation music, music therapy, enneagram, Ying/yang, rainbow, New Age prayers, labyrinth, Gnosticism, monism, pantheism, Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism and Gandhi taken again by the New Age, Rosicrusianism, Martinism, Freemasonry, Mother Earth, Gaia, Sophia, Age of Aquarius, Cosmic Christ, and numerous New Age magazines (such as 3ième millénaire, La Parole Quotidienne, Eveil Évolution, Vivre, Aube, l’Essentiel, Le Goût Sublime, Maison du 21ème Siecle, yoga Mondô)
For Children
Pokémon, magic cards (Magic: The Gathering), fantasy role-playing games (Dungeons and Dragons), Yu-Gi-Oh!, Wicca,Game Boy, Halloween…

New Age: Numerous Authors/Books
Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lobsang Rampa, Marilyn Ferguson, Allan Kardec and Léon Denis, Gabriel Delanne (spiritism), H. P. Blavastky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, David Spangler, Rudolf Steiner, Khrishnamurti, Confucius, Nostradamus, Gérard Encausse, Eliphas Levi, Cagliostro, Adb-ru-shin, Benjamin Creme, Sigmund Freud, Meurois-Givaudan, Rajneesh Sri Aurobindo, Fritjof Capra, Edgar Cayce, G. I. Gurdjieff, Khalil Gibran, René Guénon, George Lucas, Carl Jung, Shirley MacLaine, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Ça Marche! by Laurence Azérad-Shishido, the Kabbalah, the Bhagavad Gita, The Urantia Book, the Catholic Apocrypha (including the Gnostic gospels), The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, Harry Potter, Bardo Thodol, Le Livre des Morts Contemporain by E. J. Gold, all books about communication with angels, readings about indigo children, books by Mantak Chia such as healing by energies, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, and readings having to do with Kryon, oasis, and/or Atlantis
How to be Healed
Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Confession, Holy Eucharist, reading the Bible, fasting, recitation of the Rosary, prayers of breaking of bonds and prayers of liberation by a priest. You can also have many Masses offered for your soul and fervently assist at these Masses.


After our civil wedding, Jesus of Love came and asked me for continence and reparation for my sin. From that moment on, Jesus showed me the demons who surrounded my soul and who wanted to take me with them to hell.
But Jesus of Love, in His infinite mercy, protected me. Hence I followed Jesus and did what He asked me to do, for Jesus came to save those who were lost. You know that no sin will exhaust the great mercy of the Lord, and the more one draws from it, the more it increases

The demons I saw before my conversion, and who surrounded me, all had horrible heads with a lot of evil in their eyes and great cruelty. I had left the alliance with God by disobeying His law of love and purity and of sharing with the poor.
The demons work on souls who practice New Age, yoga, reiki and transcendental meditation; and if the chakras are open, they enter the body. It is necessary, then, to consecrate oneself to the Immaculate Heart, quit these techniques and confess them and see a priest to cut those diabolical ties, and fast a lot.


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