Monday, April 28, 2014

The end times

Pope Paul VI visited the grotto of Our Lady of Tre Fontane, Rome. The apparitions had the approval of the Catholic Church.But then  Our Lady told Bruno Cornacchiola, things about the future. The future of Rome.The future in Rome.The apparitions then lost their original status in the Church.The Vatican lost interest.
The Franciscan priests and Spiritual Directors of the seers at Medugorje are prudent. They seem to be able to control the messages to be announced in public. Or may be it is Our Lady who has chosen this way. The seers can ask Our Lady any question and she answers them. People ask her about their Guardian Angels and all types of questions.

Pope Francis or any cardinal could ask her any question.She could give the answer in private or public.No one in the Vatican Curia is asking her any question to be answered in public.
When Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone said that the Third Secret at Fatima referred to the assassination of Pope John Paul II, how did they know ? Was it an apparition or locution by which they were informed ? Was their decision based on the same prudence which made the Vatican downplay the Tre Fontane apparitions? 

Pope John Paul II, my favourite pope, who was canonised yesterday, had two private audiences with Fr.Stefano Gobbi, founder of the Marian Movement of Priests. Fr.Gobbi had locutions from the Blessed Mother.Pope John Paul II was such and admirable and holy pope I always suspected that Our Lady was appearing to him privately.Our Lady told Fr.Gobbi thay Pope John Paul II was her very own pope.

Our Lady also told Fr.Stefano Gobbi that Satan would enter the highest levels of the Church. This message was also repeated at Akita to Sr.Sasagawa. The apparitions of Akita have been approved by the local bishop. Our Lady told Fr.Stefano Gobbi ( and also Sr.Sasagawa) that the Eucharist will be compromised.
She told Fr.Stefano Gobbi that all the enemies of the Church would unite to wipe out all trace of the Catholic  Church.There would remain a false worship within the Church.They would create a new image of Jesus and the Church. Today we see this happening- the Freemasons, Communists, Islamists, the political Left and other enemies of the Catholic Church have united against the only one true Church of Jesus.

We have Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis throwing away the Church's teachings  for peace and the applause of the world.
The Eucharist is given to Catholic politicians in England  who approve same sex marriages.The Eucharist is given to Catholics in mortal sin, to the divorced and remarried.
Leftist values are being brought into the Church, when the political left is inspired by Satan with abortion, legal atheism, same sex marriages...
The faith is being lost as Our Lady predicted at Fatima.It  will emerge again in its purity.It will emerge again (in Portugal,as she said at Fatima ?). Our Lady told Fr.Stefano Gobbi that after the purification of the Church (with persecution) there will emerge a Church which is poor but evangelical. In the end the Anti Christ will be defeated and Her Immaculate Heart will Triumph.
At Tre Fontane Our Lady appeared as Our Lady of the Revelation.She held a Bible in her hand. It was a reminder of the Book of Revelation, the Book of the Apocalypse.It is a reminder to us of the end times.Many of her apparitions and locutions tell us that we are in the end times, the times of the Book of Revelation.-Lionel Andrades

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