Friday, April 4, 2014

The Mass is the one sacrifice of Christ multilocated (not multiplied)

Father Feeney taught that the priest has the power of an executioner on the altar; he has such power in his words. And the Word of God is the most powerful thing in the world, so when the priest is speaking in the name of Christ, what prevents a bloody sacrifice from happening is the fact that Our Lord is now in glory. Jesus can never die again; His Body is impassible; His Body is immortal; His body is glorified, as it was when He arose from the dead. This is the reason that, under the appearances of bread and wine, we do not have a bloody sacrifice at the Mass. Where the Body goes, so does the Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus; where the Blood goes, so does the Body, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus. It is a real sacrifice to be sure, but it is unbloody. The words, however, are still sacrificial; we have to insist on that; that is why we call the Mass a real sacrifice  . There is a Victim, there is an immolation, but the separation of Body and Blood is only in appearance under the species of bread and wine, not in the reality that is the  Mysterium Fidei . The Mass is the one sacrifice of Christ multilocated (not multiplied); it is the daily sacrifice of the priest, and it is our sacrifice together with the priest, who alone, in the Person of Christ , acts as both sacrificer and victim.
The second aspect of the Holy Eucharist is the  Real Presence and this is God’s great gift to us. We can now have a locatable God, a God who is not only “here,” but a God who is this , a living flesh and blood Emmanuel. That is why we call the presence of God in the Blessed Sacrament, the Real Presence. Father Feeney used to say, in paraphrasing the Curé of Ars: “I can take Him and put Him on my left; I can put Him down on my right side, and there He stays and, God forbid, if I should drop Him on the floor, there is God on the floor.” This is the great mystery of the Real Presence. This is why we can have Benediction and swing our censors with their incense; this is why we genuflect before the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist....- from The Mystery of Holy Communion Part 2 by Brian Kelly

There is no text in Vatican Council II which contradicts Feeneyism

Popes approved a factual error and so Vatican Council II is a break with the past


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