Wednesday, April 2, 2014

They are trying to crush the old Mass, and disperse a group of people who are living the traditional faith- Robert Drumm, former Fischer More College Board Member

My PhotoI’ll just close by pointing out again that this is really about the old Mass and the life that flows from it.  The diocese took no interest in the College until the Fort Worth Star Telegram feature ran and made it clear that the institution’s liturgical life is centered around the old Mass.  The old Mass has been the primary topic of its conversation with the diocese since then.  Whatever the other problems at the College, and whatever falsehoods and exaggerations they’re hearing from Dr. Marshall, the actions of Msgr. Berg and Bishop Olson (and presumably others above them in the hierarchy) leave no doubt that they are trying to crush the old Mass, and disperse a group of people who are living the traditional faith.  If the Bishop was just concerned about the speakers, he could have set parameters for future speakers.  If the Bishop was seriously concerned about the stability of the College, he would have ordered removal of the Blessed Sacrament and complete closure of the chapel, and forbidden the College from calling itself “Catholic.”  He didn’t.  What he did was attack the Mass and those of his flock attached to it. -Robert Drumm,
former Board Member, Fischer More College, Fort Worth, USA
Now, Fisher More is fighting an order from Bishop Michael Olson of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth prohibiting the traditional Latin Mass at the college.King told the Star-Telegram previously that the college has hired a canonical lawyer and is appealing the bishop’s order.If the college cannot conduct the Mass in Latin, it could end the mission and close down the school, King told the Star-Telegram.

Read more here:


Fr.John Hunwicke and participants at the Roman Forum Meeting this summer will be unaware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

Always in the interpretation of Vatican Council II we have to be aware of the Cushing-Jesuit Factual Error

Dr.Dudley would be saying that he could accept Vatican Council II if these passages refer to cases invisible for us

Dr.John Dudley and the schools in Dallas

Chaplains at FMC used the false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : cause of tension with faculty
Summorum Pontificum does not say if Vatican Council II is to be interpreted with or without the false premise
Bishop Michael Olson wants faculty and students to accept a lie ?


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