Monday, April 28, 2014

UK: Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, arrested for quoting Churchill, could face two years in jail

UK: Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, arrested for quoting Churchill, could face two years in jail

By on Apr 27, 2014 
Weston arrested2Paul Weston faces two years in prison for quoting Winston Churchill’s less than glowing remarks about Islam. How long would the Cameron government lock away Churchill himself for? After all, a man walking around talking like that could hardly be “conducive to the public good,” now, could he?
An update on this story from Supine Britannia: “Liberty GB’s Paul Weston, Arrested in Winchester for Quoting Churchill, Could Face 2 Years in Jail,” Liberty GB, April 27, 2014:
The leader of the Liberty GB party Paul Weston, who was arrested yesterday for breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice, is now possibly facing imprisonment for 2 years.
Mr Weston, a candidate in the 22 May European Elections in the South East, was arrested on 26 April in front of Winchester Guildhall for quoting in public a passage critical of Islam written by Winston Churchill, using a megaphone.
He spent several hours in a cell at Winchester Police Station, after which the original charge of breaching a Section 27 Dispersal Notice was dropped and Mr Weston was “re-arrested” for a Racially Aggravated Crime, under Section 4 of the Public Order Act, which carries a potential prison sentence of 2 years.
He was then fingerprinted and obliged to submit to DNA sampling, following which he was bailed with a return date to Winchester Police on May 24th.
Had the woman who complained to the police made an official statement, Mr Weston would not have been released last night, but fortunately for him she did not.
The case is now being presented to the Crown Prosecution Service. If the CPS decides to prosecute, then Mr Weston will be arrested, awaiting trial, when he presents himself to the police on May 24th.;postID=5043867635282144998

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