Thursday, May 8, 2014


 All the doctrinal decisions of the church are binding on a Catholic, including the Second Vatican Council and all its texts," Cardinal Koch said when asked if the SSPX would be expected to accept all the teachings of Vatican II. "The 'Nostra Aetate' declaration of the Second Vatican Council is a clear decree and is important for every Catholic," he added.-Cardinal Kurt Koch, CNS report
The following text from Vatican Council II is binding on Cardinal Kurt Koch and  the Society of St.Pius X.
Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door.-Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II
According to Ad  Gentes 7 all non Catholics need faith and baptism for salvation.This means  Vatican Council II is saying that all Jews, Muslims and others need to enter the Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.
Cardinal Kurt Koch rejects the above quotation of Ad Gentes 7. He rejects Vatican Council II when he states 'While Catholics profess that, in the end, all salvation will be accomplished through Jesus Christ,( Note: Cardinal Kurt Koch  is not saying that Jews in the present times (2014) need 'faith and baptism' for salvation)  "it does not necessarily follow that the Jews are excluded from God's salvation because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel and the son of God," ( Again he is not saying that Jews in the present time need to convert into the Church with faith and baptism for salvation.He is still denying Ad Gentes 7)  the cardinal said. "That the Jews are participants in God's salvation is theologically unquestionable, (Still he is denying Ad Gentes 7, the Catechism of the Catholic Church 846 - 'all need to enter the Church as through a door', Dominus Iesus 20 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) but how that can be possible without confessing Christ explicitly is and remains an unfathomable divine mystery." ( He is denying Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7 and is calling it a mystery)
Cardinal Kurt Koch must also agree that there is nothing in Nostra Aetate which contradicts Ad Gentes 7. Since those saved with a 'a ray of that Truth' are not known to us in 2014.These are unknown cases and so they cannot be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Neither are they exceptions to Ad Gentes 7.Vatican Council II does not contradict itself. Nostra Aetate does not contradict Ad Gentes 7. 
Vatican Council II is traditional on the subject of other religions and Christian communities.It is pro- SSPX.  The Council is saying that Protestants and Orthodox Christians need Catholic Faith for salvation (AG 7) and Jews, Muslims and others need Catholic Faith and the baptism of water for salvation (AG 7).

So when Cardinal Kurt Koch says that the Society of  St.Pius X must accept Nostra Aetate the must clarify that for him  (1)  there are no cases known of a non Catholic saved with ' a ray of that Truth'  and (2)  Ad Gentes 7, indicates that the Jews need 'faith and baptism' to avoid Hell-fires.This is Vatican Council II.
If Vatican Council II continues to be a condition for the Vatican to recognize religious communities, then the Vatican Prefect for the Council for Christian Unity must clarify that Vatican Council II is not a break with the Catechism of Pope Pius XII, the Syllabus of Errors and extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Neither does it contradict Dominus Iesus, Redemptoris Missio, Ecclesiam Suam and Evangelii Nuntiandi of Pope Paul VI,nor the Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II.
-Lionel Andrades

ACN: But what does that mean? Are there two separate ways of salvation, then, for Jews and Christians? Abraham and Moses for the one group, Jesus Christ for the other? Then the Jews would be an exception to the Church’s commission to evangelize.
Cardinal Koch: For Christians there is naturally only one way of salvation, which God revealed to us in Jesus Christ. On the other hand we Christians, in dealing with the Jews, do not have to bear witness to a way of salvation that is completely foreign to them, as is the case with other religions. For the New Testament is built entirely on the Old Testament. For this reason the Catholic Church has no organized mission to the Jews, as is the case for instance in certain Evangelical circles. On the other hand, we Christians witness to the Jews also concerning the hope that faith in Christ gives us. (Emphasis added)
ACN: The pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI was felt by many Jews to be a step backward from Nostra Aetate. They cite the new formula for the Good Friday petition in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite of the Mass or the Williamson case. Can you understand views of this sort?
Cardinal Koch: All told, I see no obstacles to the Jewish-Catholic dialogue in the pontificate of Benedict XVI. On the contrary. There were quite a few Jews who after his resignation emphasized that relations had never been as good as during the last pontificate. The Good Friday petition is actually not a call to mission work among the Jews, as it is often misunderstood, but rather adopts the eschatological perspective of the Apostle Paul. Pope Benedict himself honestly admitted that in the Williamson case there were serious blunders in the preparations for and the announcement of the lifting of the excommunications. Therefore in my view it makes no sense to repeat these misunderstandings over and over, instead of appreciating the great contribution of Pope Benedict to the Jewish-Catholic dialogue. In this respect he carried on and enriched the great heritage of Pope John Paul II. (Emphasis added)

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