Tuesday, May 13, 2014


The Jesuit Fr.Bryan Lobo is the Director of the new Department of the Theology of Religions at the Gregorian University.This is heretical! The Rector of the Gregorian University is the pro-Dean of this Department. It is permitted by Cardinal Gerhard Muller.
A few years back I briefly met one of these Jesuit Indian theologians who had delivered a talk at the Gregorian University Rome and was basking in the praise of many there. I told him that I appreciated Dominus Iesus of Pope John Paul II. His face fell.I had to earlier sit through all that nonsense of his.
Fr. Michael Amaladoss and other Indian Jesuits theologians associated with the Vidyajyoti Theological  Center in India have been denying the Catholic Faith in their talks and writings and there does not seem to be any sign of change. The Vatican is allowing these dissenting Jesuits to continue as before without affirming the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation.
There are reports which say that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will censure Fr.Michael Amaladoss .This  is not likely.
Pope Francis has criticized 'triumphalism' and has not affirmed the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation: the necessity for all to be members of the Church with 'faith and baptism'(Ad Gentes 7).He has extended ecclesial faith to even Protestants and has presented the Protestant kerygma without the necessity of being a member of the Catholic Church for salvation.
However Pope Francis last May did say that Jesus could not be found outside the Catholic Church and cited Pope Paul VI and St.Ignatius of Loyola's understanding of the hierarchical Church.However he contradicted it in his exhortation.
This has been the theology of the Jesuit Fr.Jacques Dupuis who lived and worked for many years in India.The Indian Jesuit theologians are following  the late Fr.Dupuis who had received a Notification from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.
In inter religious dialogue in India , where Catholics are in a minority, the Jesuits will not affirm Vatican Council II which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. This was the message of Pope John Paul II when he went to New Delhi.According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (846) all need to enter the Church as through a door. This is not part of the writings of the Jesuit theologians in India. They use the dead man walking premise and interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the past.
The Jesuit Fr.Bryan Lobo is the Director of the new Department of the Theology of Religions at the Gregorian University.This is heretical! The Rector of the Gregorian University is the pro-Dean of this Department. It is permitted by Cardinal Gerhard Muller.
Also the Secretary of the CDF a former Jesuit professor of theology at the Gregorian University is on record on line, for affirming a theology of religions. 
So it is unlikely that the CDF will censure Fr.Amaladoss or the Jesuits at the Gregorian University who have the support of the Jewish Left as do the LCWR sisters in the USA.
-Lionel Andrades

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