Saturday, May 31, 2014

Joseph Shaw, Gavin D'Costa obedient to Cardinal Vince Nicols are misleading lay Catholics

New Cardinal Vincent Nichols waits to greet visitors in the Vatican on February 22, 2014 in Vatican City, Vatican. 19 new cardinals were created by Pope Francis earlier today in a ceremony at St Peter's Basilica.
Joseph Shaw, Gavin D'Costa obedient to Cardinal Vince Nicols are misleading lay Catholics and misrepresenting the Catholic Faith.
Lay Catholics who have not studied theology and philosophy are being taught to reason with an irrational premise.They are told that this is the teaching of the Catholic Church. It is said that Vatican Council II ( with the false premise) is a rejection of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. 

Gavin D'Costa a Catholic professor of theology says in public  with Cardinal Vince Nicols' permission, on the website of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales (CBCEW) that the Church teaches that all do not need to enter ; to convert into the Catholic Church.

He is inferring for rank and file Catholics :-

 1.Those saved with ' a ray of the Truth' or 'seeds of the Word'  are visible to us on earth.
2.These deceased can be seen on earth and they were saved without needing to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism'(AG 7).So they are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
3.All salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is visible to us on earth and so Vatican Councl II is a break with the past. It is a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
4.Catholics in general know of people saved in England saved in 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3), 'elements of sanctification and truth' (LG 8), invincible ignorance (LG 16),These deceased now in Heaven are personally known and seen in England or elsewhere.
5.Those Catholics who do not infer as such are rejecting magisterial teaching.They are rejecting Vatican Council II with the false premise.
6.Those who do not accept Vatican Council II with the false premise are heretical, pro SSPX traditionalists or sedevacantists.They are not  Catholics.
7.The Church Councils which defined the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus made a mistake. They did not know that the baptism of desire was an explicit exception.
8.Vatican Council II contradicts itself. Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation) contradicts Lumen Gentium 16 ( non Catholics can be saved explicitly in invincible ignorance)

Joseph Shaw will not criticize/correct the error made by Gavin D'Costa on the website of the CBCEW.
Neither will he proclaim that :
1. All need to enter the Catholic Church in England in 2014 with faith and baptism for salvation and there are no known exceptions.
2.There are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, those of the Church Councils and popes.
So in public he holds on to the same irrationality and error of Gavin D'Costa on the CBCEW website.This is supported by the Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminister, Vince Nicols.
Joseph Shaw will allow all those Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass in England to use the same irrational inference as he does.There is no Church-text which makes this inference but he will not say this in public. He ignored it at the last LMS One Day Conference in London.
His irrational position is politically correct in England. Joseph Shaw lecturers at Oxford where the Catholics and Protestants interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational inference.
Joseph Shaw the Chairman of the Latin Mass Society has academic degrees in philosophy and theology and is misleading other Catholics who are not academically qualified like him and who attend the Traditional Latin Mass.
I do not like to criticize Cardinal Vince Nicols, Joseph Shaw and Gavin D'Costa  but it would be obvious to even a Protestant or other non Catholic, that they are teaching irrationality and are using a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Councl II. They are misleading other Catholics who do not know theology  and who assume that this is a teaching in the text of the Council and the Catechism.The Catholic professors at the Universities of Bristol and Oxford are promoting a falsehood in the Catholic Church with the assistance of the bishops of England and Wales.
-Lionel Andrades

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