Saturday, May 31, 2014

Michael Voris, Robert Sungenis still have a problem with theology : reasoning with a false premise

I have not seen the series Baptize All Nations  hosted by Michael Miller  on ChurchMilitant TV.I could guess that it is assumed that every one needs Catholic Faith with the baptism of water EXCEPT for those in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire. That EXCEPT would indicate the theology of Michael Voris and Robert Sungenis.
They would say outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation and all need to convert into the Church EXCEPT ...except for some people who do not have to convert in the present times, since they will be saved with ' a ray of the Truth' or baptism of desire. So Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong for them.
When it is said that Fr.Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong for not inferring that the baptism of desire is visible  for us, theology goes off track.
Voris and Sungenis will then extend their 'except-theology' to Vatican Council II.
Nostra Aetate 2 is an exception to Tradition since obviously ( for those who reason with a false premise,) the person saved with a 'ray of the Truth' is a visible,exception for them.
If  the  deceased-saved, in this case, were not visible, Voris and Sungenis  would be saying that Vatican Council II is not ambiguous. Now since there are EXCEPTIONS Vatican Council II is for them and Cardinal Kaspar and Bishop Schneider,  ambiguous.It is a break with Tradition.Some parts of Vatican Council II support Tradition for them and some do not. The parts which do not support Tradition, they do not realize, are the passages they interpret with the false premise.
If there were no EXCEPTIONS then Vatican Council would be in harmony with the literal interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.
Like lay Catholics,people in general and the Church of Nice, Voris and Sungenis use the false premise ( the dead-saved who are EXCEPTIONS to the dogma). This is their theology.They reason rationally but with an irrational premise.
May be it would be anti-Semitic if they say that all Jews need to convert ( see video) into the Catholic Church for salvation and there can be no known exceptions.So they don't say it.They avoid theology.They will vaguely say that Jews and others need to convert ( see video) but they will not enter into uncomfortable theology.
ChurchMilitant TV's Simon Rafe in correspondence with me uses the except-theology,with the false premise.So he is not really saying all need to convert into the Church.It is the 'except-theology' again of the Church of Nice.
There is a Church of Nice video on the websites of the University of Bristol and the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales.It says clearly that all do not need to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation. Those saved with ' a ray of the Truth' or 'seeds of the Word(AG 11) are EXCEPTIONS.
Voris and Sungenis will not challenge this since they want to stay away from  theology like many good Catholics.Many things don't tie up, since they do theology with the Church of Nice  false premise ( the dead saved with a ray of the Truth are visible to them, so they are EXCEPTIONS).
Gavin D'Costa a Catholic professor of theology who makes this non traditional statement on the video, uses the false premise and then creates a new theology. It is a new doctrine for the Catholic Church. A Cushingite, he uses Cushingism and Voris and Sungenis stand back in frightful awe.
If Voris and Sungenis would protest at this statement of D'Costa ( and they don't) the Church of Nice would come back and say this was the decision of the magisterium in the Boston Case of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
End of the matter. Case closed.
Then ignorant of theology the two of them would bow before the Church of Nice and the leftist powers that uphold them - and leave the issue.
They will not respond by saying that if the 'magisterium' corrected Fr.Leonard Feeney 's traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus they were using a false premise.It was an irrational inference.The 'magisterium' was inferring that the dead saved with the baptism of desire or a ray of the Truth were EXCEPTIONS . A dead man is an exception?
This is not theology! This is rationality. This is Cushingism.
So like the rest of the sheep (herd) Voris and Sungenis will bleat about known exceptions to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.
If only they would  explain to the Church of Nice that they accept being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire but for them these cases are possibilities and not known realities.They are hypothetical and not seen in real life, they are accepted in principle( de jure) but are not known defacto, in 2014.
Similarly they do not reject being saved with 'a ray of the Truth' or 'imperfect communion with the Church'(UR 3), 'seeds of the Word', 'elements of sanctification and truth' (LG 8). Vatican Council II , they could say apologetically, is referring to a probability, a possibility and not a known reality.The Council is not referring to AN EXCEPTION  to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. The text also does not make this claim.
For it to be an exception, they could explain to their Church of Nice critics, it would have to be visible and not invisible, objective and not just accepted subjectively, tangible and not intangible.
They could defend themself by saying 'one can have it both ways'. One can accept invisible for us,'a ray of the Truth' AND ALSO ACCEPT that all non Catholics have to enter the Catholic Church visibly( with faith and baptism-AG 7) in the present time ( defacto- time). 
They can accept an implicit  for us baptism of desire and an explicit for us extra ecclesiam nulla salus ; all visibly having to enter the one, true Church.
They can affirm implicit baptism ( baptism of desire) along with the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney and Pope Pius XII.
So theologically they would not be denying NA 2, UR 3 etc when they make the  distinction between implicit-explicit,invisible-visible etc.
They would not be violating Aristotle's Principle of Non Contradiction since what is implicit is not an exception to  that which is explicit.To be an exception something has to be explicit.
Presently Gavin D'Costa and his Church of Nice are smug. They know that Sungenis, Voris and the rest of the traditionalists are confused over theology. The traditionalists, including the communities of Fr.Leonard Feeney still do theology inferring that  ' a ray of the Truth' or the baptism of desire, ARE KNOWN EXCEPTIONS, visible in the flesh, EXCEPTIONS to the literal interpretation of that great priest from Boston, Fr.Leonard Feeney.
I don't expect Voris or Sungenis to comment on this post, since they are still stuck in the mud with the old programming on the visible-dead.
-Lionel Andrades


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