Monday, May 19, 2014

The Holy Spirit can not teach the Church to interpret Vatican Council II using an irrational premise

Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 82 ( with comments )

Dear friends and benefactors,
If on April 27th John XXIII and John Paul II are canonized, the act will present a double problem to the Catholic conscience. Firstly, the problem of the canonization itself: how can it be possible to offer to the whole Church as an example of sanctity the instigator of Vatican Council II and the Pope of Assisi and human rights?
Lionel: Note he is correctly criticizing Vatican Council II interpreted with the false inference.However he is not aware of the false inference. He himself uses it in this Letter to reject the Council.
But there is also the deeper problem of what will appear to be an unprecedented recognition of catholicity: how is it possible to put the Church’s stamp of approval and sanctity on the teachings of such a Council,
Lionel: He is not aware of the cause of the irrationality and break with Tradition in Vatican Council II. Vatican Council II interpreted with the false premise must present teachings which are a break with the past.He is not aware of this.
which inspired all of Karol Wojtyla’s action and whose rotten fruits are the indisputable indication of the Church’s self-destruction?
Lionel: The Council was there before Pope John Paul II became the pope.The Council was interpreted also by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre with a false premise.Without the false premise the Council is traditional on other religions and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
The enemies of the Church have used a false premise in the interpretation of Vatican Council II (1965) and the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.
This second problem offers the solution: the errors contained in the documents of Vatican Council II and in the reforms that followed, especially in the liturgical reform, could not possibly be the work of the Holy Ghost, who is at once the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Holiness.
Lionel: The Holy Spirit can not teach the Church to interpret Vatican Council II using an irrational premise.
Without the false premise Vatican Council II is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
That is why it seems necessary to us to recall the principal errors and the fundamental reasons for which we cannot subscribe to the novelties of the Council and of the reforms that came of it, any more than to these canonizations that hope to “canonize” Vatican II.
Lionel: The principal error is assuming all salvation in mentioned in Vatican Council II as being visible to us on earth. This is a contradition. In general we humans cannot see those who are in Heaven in 2014. So these persons  who are saved are not exceptions to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation, as now held by Bishop Fellay and the SSPX.
-Lionel Andrades

Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 82 (text)

Dear friends and benefactors,
If on April 27th John XXIII and John Paul II are canonized, the act will present a double problem to the Catholic conscience. Firstly, the problem of the canonization itself: how can it be possible to offer to the whole Church as an example of sanctity the instigator of Vatican Council II and the Pope of Assisi and human rights?
But there is also the deeper problem of what will appear to be an unprecedented recognition of catholicity: how is it possible to put the Church’s stamp of approval and sanctity on the teachings of such a Council, which inspired all of Karol Wojtyla’s action and whose rotten fruits are the indisputable indication of the Church’s self-destruction? This second problem offers the solution: the errors contained in the documents of Vatican Council II and in the reforms that followed, especially in the liturgical reform, could not possibly be the work of the Holy Ghost, who is at once the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Holiness.
That is why it seems necessary to us to recall the principal errors and the fundamental reasons for which we cannot subscribe to the novelties of the Council and of the reforms that came of it, any more than to these canonizations that hope to “canonize” Vatican II....(continued)

Bishop Bernard Fellay made a factual mistake in Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 82 : we cannot see the dead

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