Saturday, May 3, 2014

Unilateral recognition by Rome of the SSPX, not be asked to sign anything ?

The news is that the modernists in Rome are offering to the Society a « recognition by tolerance » without the need for any formal agreement or signed document such as raised within the SSPX so much opposition to a deal with Rome in the spring and early summer of 2012. Here is the essence of how the Society's Second Assistant, Fr. Alain Nély, expressed it, with enthusiasm, to two members of religious Orders three months ago : « The solution for the SSPX will be its unilateral recognition by Rome...we will not be asked to sign see how things evolve...we shall see. »
To prevent such a revelation from spreading, the Society's Superior General wrote to the two religious concerned that they had misunderstood Fr. Nély's remarks because there was no kind of « agreement » in view. Of course not. Therein lies the cunning of the proposed « recognition » without signature. It will allow numbers of SSPX priests to pretend that nothing will have changed so that they can continue their ministry just as before. Thus, as reported, Bishop Fellay himself recently told SSPX seminarians in Zaitzkofen : « There is no question of signing any agreement, etc., etc.» However, ten minutes later, « But if Rome proposes a recognition of tolerance for us, that's a different matter, that would be very good. »

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