Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not accept Vatican Council II with an irrational inference.He was correct. The Holy Spirit cannot teach error.

Fidelity Always:
So you are saying a person excommunicated by The Church, rather than a Successor to Peter, is a more credible teacher for you? How odd.
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was excommunicated because he did not accept Vatican Council II with an irrational inference and then he ordained the bishops.He was correct about Vatican Council II. The Holy Spirit cannot teach error.
All good Catholics must reject Vatican Council ( with the inference)  in which it is assumed that salvation in Heaven is visible on earth and these cases are an exception to Tradition. This is not-real and neither is it Catholic.
At that time, the magisterium did not seem to know that a false premise was being used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
It is based on this false premise that there was ' the Spirit of Vatican Council' which the Church seemed to accept and still does.
Fr.Leonard Feeney was excommunicated for denying the traditional dogma on salvation it is often reported by the secular media.We now know there are no known exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. After some 19 years Fr.Leonard Feeney had the excommunicated lifted.He was lucky.He was excommunicated when he committed no fault doctrine-wise.The baptism of desire is not explicit and so cannot be an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. We cannot see ghosts.
Archbishop Lefebvre was correct about Vatican Council II ( with the premise). Unlike Fr.Leonard Feeney the excommunication was not lifted during his life time.
-Lionel Andrades

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