Monday, June 2, 2014

Consciousness and Quantum Physics show man is the centre of the universe : the Genesis account is correct

At the Newtonian level of matter the universe is heliocentric while at the sub atomic level of matter man is the centre of the universe.
Copernicus a Catholic priest, presented a heliocentric model of the universe before Galileo confirmed it with his telescope.Rick Delano and Robert Sungenis are not denying this. They are citing cosmologists and physicists who have new data which suggest that the earth is the centre of the universe and there was a Creator.It is the cosmologists who are presenting this information. Delano and Sungenis are reporting in the movie they have made, The Principle.
They briefly mention the unexplainable phenomenon of light .(26:06) Perhaps they could develop this.
Students of physics are taught that light at its basic level is both a wave and a particle at the same time. At the sub atomic level of matter (quantum physics) an experimenter discovers that light is either a wave or a particle , depending on the consciousness of the researcher, what he wants  to find. Light has no independent existence as wave of a particle.
It is the consciousness of the experimenter which decides if if light is a wave or a particle. This is very different from every day life, at the Newtonian level. An apple cannot be an orange at the same time.
The sub atomic level of matter has different laws as compared to the the universe seen form a telescope. It is human consciousness which decides reality at the sub atomic level of matter and this is not true of our world with fixed bodies.
Mainsream physics acknowledges that man can  create and choose through consciousness ( awareness, knowledge, will) .He does  this of course  from planet earth. For man the earth is in the centre of consciousness. It is the center of all reality and existence.
So God made the universe in which man is the center and the Genesis description is correct.I say this from the studies in quantum physics.
In The Principle they come to the same conclusion but with statements from cosmologists.
-Lionel Andrades

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