Sunday, June 29, 2014

Fault is with the SSPX Resistance.They have used the irrational premise

On the pro SSPX Resistance forum the politically correct version of Vatican Council II is affirmed by traditionalists. They have used the false inference in the interpretation of Lumen Gentium 16. On the forum CatInfo. they have inferred that those saved in invincible ignorance are visible in the flesh in 2014.So they become explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the rest of Tradition.
If they had  reasoned that Lumen Gentium 16 refers to hypothetical cases saved in invincible ignorance it would not be an exception to Tradition. Vatican Council II would not contradict Tradition. Instead Ad Gentes 7 would affirm Tradition and there would be no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.
So the fault is with the SSPX Resistance.They have used the irrational premise.They have interpreted  LG 16 and other texts in Vatican Council II using a false premise.
There are no Ten Errors of Vatican Council II unless a false premise is used.
-Lionel Andrades
from the CathInfo forum
This is from the article, "Ten Errors of Vatican II," TheRecusant #16.
 Here they are.
Posted Jun 3, 2014, 3:38 pm
Thank you for posting this important information on a clear and concise manner. Traditional Catholics definitely should be able to enumerate and describe the errors of Vatican II in order to better defend their position and make an objective assessment of these errors. LG 16 seems to be the most controversial of these paragraphs.
From that list, the most evident:

LG 16:
Lumen Gentium said:

16. Finally, those who have not yet received the Gospel are related in various ways to the people of God.(18*) In the first place we must recall the people to whom the testament and the promises were given and from whom Christ was born according to the flesh.(125) On account of their fathers this people remains most dear to God, for God does not repent of the gifts He makes nor of the calls He issues.(126) But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. Nor is God far distant from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, for it is He who gives to all men life and breath and all things,(127) and as Saviour wills that all men be saved.(128) Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.(19*) Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and with His grace strive to live a good life. Whatever good or truth is found amongst them is looked upon by the Church as a preparation for the Gospel.(20*) She knows that it is given by Him who enlightens all men so that they may finally have life. But often men, deceived by the Evil One, have become vain in their reasonings and have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, serving the creature rather than the Creator.(129) Or some there are who, living and dying in this world without God, are exposed to final despair. Wherefore to promote the glory of God and procure the salvation of all of these, and mindful of the command of the Lord, "Preach the Gospel to every creature",(130) the Church fosters the missions with care and attention.

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