Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ferrara,Rao,Barreiro wil not affirm Vatican Council II with exclusive salvation at Roman Forum confc. : looking after N.1

Christopher Ferrara (American Catholic Lawyers Association),Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula (Human Life International, Rome), Dr.John C. Rao, Chairman,Roman Forum and other speakers will not affirm Vatican Council II along with exclusive salvation this month. They will claim that Nostra Aetate 2( a ray of the Truth) refers to objective cases on earth in 2014, even though these deceased-saved with 'a ray of the Truth' etc are in Heaven. They will use this false premise to claim that there are exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to Tradition.
At the Roman Forum Conference in Italy this month, they will repeat,the lie as they have done during the last 22 years, at this gathering of Catholic traditionalists.
They protect their lifestyle and appease the political left inside and outside the Church by repeating a factual error in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
The propaganda on salvation being visible for us is supported by the Vatican Curia which permits the Catholic traditionalists to offer the Traditional Latin Mass as long as they avoid the 'old' ecclesiology and theology.This emerges when Vatican Council II is interpreted with the dead man walking premise. Without the irrational inference in the interpretation of the Council, Vatican Council II affirms the 'old' ecclesiology and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.With the irrational premise, texts in Vatican Council II emerge ambigous.
-Lionel Andrades

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