Tuesday, June 3, 2014

For Bishop Olson to affirm a lie and misrepresent the Catholic Faith and then expect Fischer More College to do the same is malafide and illegal

Bishop Michael Olson is misrepresenting the Catholic Faith and is forcing Fischer More College(FMC) to proclaim a factual lie, to be regularised as a Catholic college which offers the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM).
If it was a secular institution Michael King the President of FMC could claim financial damages.Since Bishop Olson wants the FMC and the FSSP priests in his diocese to  uphold in public an irrational statement.
It is with this misrepresentation of facts that he allows the FSSP priests to offer the TLM and prohibits it at FMC.
Instead of helping FMC to raise funds the bishop has been pulling it down since Michael King and Dr.Dudley do not interpret Vatican Council II with the same irrational inference as the bishop.FMC rejects Vatican Council II with the false inference used in the interpretation.
Without the irrational inference, the visible-dead theory, there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, a dogma of the Church not affirmed in the diocese.
It would be malafide and illegal to expect FMC to claim in public that the dead are visible to them.It is this factual error, a falsehood, which the Vatican Curia and Bishop Olson want the FMC to accept for official recognition.
It is only with this objective lie of being able to see the dead saved 'with a ray of the Truth'(NA 2) who are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus will the Vatican allow the FMC and the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to offer the TLM.Religious worship and freedom depends on endorsing a falsehood in public.
Traditionalists who welcome Vatican Council II with an objective error, the dead man walking theory, are allowed to offer the TLM.
Bishop Olson has not been responding to e-mails I have sent him and others in the diocese. The same is true for the rest of Catholic Dallas.
For Bishop Olson to affirm a lie and misrepresent the Catholic Faith and then expect FMC to do the same is malafide and illegal.It is not Catholic.
Bishop Olson cannot proclaim that :

1. All need to enter the Catholic Church in the USA in 2014 with 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) for salvation and there are no known exceptions.
2.There are no known exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the traditional interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7 ( all need faith and baptism for salvation and there are no exceptions).
He expects the FMC to deny these two points and allege that the deceased saved with 'a ray of the Truth' are visible on earth and so become exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Ad Gentes 7. This is fantasy. It is also a falsehood.FMC has to misrepresent the Catholic Faith  as do the FSSP priests and others in the diocese of Fort Worth.
-Lionel Andrades


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