Thursday, June 26, 2014

Franciscans of the Immaculate and the Vatican's X-Files

Instructions have been given.Do not  permit the Traditional Latin Mass(TLM) when the ' old ecclesiology' is being taught by the priest.Only those priests can offer the TLM who use the Batman -version of Vatican Council II.
According to the Vatican's X-Files no one is to interpret the Council without inferring that salvation in Heaven is physically visible on earth.This is the obligatory X Factor which must be used in the interpretation of Catholic doctrine.There could soon be an exodus( X-odus ?) of religious from the Franciscans of the Immaculate Catholic religious community.
The Franciscan Friars and  Sisters have to take an oath and offically say that they can see the dead- saved in Heaven who are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.If they say there are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus then this is what they are implying. Exceptions mean seeing the dead-saved. Exceptions have to be visible to be exceptions.So Vatican Council II becomes a break with the past because of the exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation.It also becomes heretical with this fantasy. It is  non traditional and creating confusion. This is fantasy -theology based on a false premise ( deceased and visible who are exceptions to Tradition).It is going around in theological and doctrinal cicles and the Vatican has approved it.Lord of the many rings.
It's like Batman telling Robin ,"You  have to fly while  knowing things don't make sense".
Theology has entered the realm of fantasy and the Fransciscans of the Immaculate are being forced to accept traditional heresy. It's like Alice before the looking glass saying ' the dead saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance are visible to me!".This is wonder-land!.
The Catholic media are avoiding all this fantasy.Otherwise there would be headlines like, 'Pope wants Franciscans of the Immaculate to claim salvation in Heaven is physically visible on earth'.
Since the media is ideologically correct, they are not reporting, 'Catholic theology professor at the University of Bristol identifies dead-saved with ' a ray of the Truth'.
It is not being reported that Ecclesia Dei has been overruled.Summorum Pontificum allowed the Traditional Latin Mass to be offered freely as any other Mass without asking the bishops permission.Pope Francis wants the bishop, usually liberal and pro-Mason, to give special permission. He wants to control the traditional ecclessiology of the priest, which is inference-free.It is free of the false premise used in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. Without this irrationality, it is 'No Traditional Latin Mass'.
The SSPX offers the same Latin Mass.It is  the Sacrifice of Jesus, as that of the Holy Mass of the pope.The SSPX though  are not allowed in Catholic Churches.While churches in Rome under the Vatican, are being given out for religious and social programs to non Catholics and non Christians.
This is sad. For some this would be comic. Weak Clark Kent spirituality!. Straight from the Harvey Comics.
The FSSP meanwhile continues to offer the Traditional Latin Mass interpreting Vatican Council II with the false premise even though a rational alternative is available.They are to be given the green light according to the X-Files.
-Lionel Andrades

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