Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fr.Fehlner has to accept the Batman version of Vatican Council II : Franciscans of the Immaculate are still receiving threats on doctrine

Il papa dialoga con i Francescani dell'ImmacoaltaThey are not free to live and proclaim the Catholic Faith.
The Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) are being forced to accept Vatican Council II with a fantasy inference, an X-FACTOR.
To be allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass they must fake it. They have to claim that there are people in Heaven visible on earth and saved with the baptism of desire etc  and these 'beings', visible on the streets, are explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is straight from Star Trek, Batman etc.
At the June 10 meeting with the pope there is a picture of an FFI Friar who reminds me of Fr.Peter Damien Fehlner FFI, the American theologian.Why does Fr.Fehlner have to say that ' a ray of the Truth' (NA 2) refers to someone saved without the baptism of water and this case is known to him on earth ? The deceased are visible!. Star Trek!!
Pope Francis should leave Fr.Fehlner free to say that NA 2, UR 3, LG 8, LG 16 etc are not explicit exceptions to Tradition.All need 'faith and baptism' (AG 7) to go to Heaven. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
He should be allowed to say that Vatican Council II does not contradict traditional ecclesiology, the Catechism of Pope Pius X, the Syllabus of Errors and Fr.Leonard Feeney.He should be free to say that he accepts this rational, inference-free version of Vatican Council. Why doesn't Fr.Fehlner go ahead and make this announcment for the FFI?
Can Fr.Fehlner get permission to say that the Church has not retracted outside the Church there is no salvation ? (CCC 845,846,AG 7, Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 etc).
No - he will not be given permission by Pope Francis. Since this would be  Vatican Council II without the X-FACTOR. Fr.Fehlner must accept the Batman-version of Vatican Council II.The SSPX has to do the same, to get canonical status.
Just because the Chief Rabbinate of Israel approves a doctrine for the Catholic Church it should not be forced upon the FFI and other Catholics but this is how it is.
The dead- saved with the 'seeds of the Word' (AG 11) are visible - it must be claimed.This is the requirement for offering the Traditional Latin Mass, which is being met by the FSSP priests.
Recently Bishop Michael Olson, the bishop of Fort Worth, USA met a Traditional Latin Mass (FSSP) community in his diocese.They accept the Batman-version of Vatican Council II. The bishop did not visit the Fischer More College community of Catholics.Since they reject the leftist version of Vatican Council II. This the one with the false inference, the fantastic claim ,which is the norm for Bishop Olson and the Vatican Curia.
Fr.Fehlner and most of the FFI Friars have to bow to this fantasy, to remain ' a priest in good standing' with the Catholic Church.To survive in the community, they have to  politically accept evil.
The FFI are in the caverns unless they can accept an irrational version of Vatican Council II. The fantasy version. A way out could be their affirming Vatican Council II without the irrational premise and Pope Francis accepting this version of the Council- since it is the only rational one.-Lionel Andrades


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