Saturday, June 7, 2014

Heresy and irrationality on the SSPX Great Britain website ?

The Society for St.Pius X District Superior of Great Britain Fr. Paul Morgan rejects an ex cathedra dogma, the Creed, Ad Gentes 7 and interprets Nostra Aetate 2 irrationally, as referring to cases visible to us in real life instead of visible only to God.
1. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus an ex cathedra dogma defined three times is assumed to have known exceptions in the present times.
2. Vatican Council II ( NA 2, LG 16 etc) can be rationally interpreted as being invisible for us and visible only for God but for him NA 2 is visible.This is an irrational interpretation. It is visible for him otherwise how could it be an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
3.He considers being saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire as being visible exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
4.In the Catechism of Pope Pius X 27 Q is not contradicted by 29 Q unless you assume that those who are saved with implicit desire (baptism of desire) are visible on earth. Implicit desire is an explicit exception for him.
I  write this based on what is available on the Great Britain SSPX website and what he has omitted saying in public.
I  do not mean to be critical. I realize that this could be the first time someone has mentioned all this to him. So he may not be aware that this is a heresy. The error is innocent.
a. He infers that there are known exceptions to the thrice defined dogma on exclusive salvation.
b. He infers that the Nicene Creed refers to not one baptism for the forgiveness of sin, the baptism of water, but three or more.The baptism of blood, desire, seeds of the Word, a ray of Truth, elements of sanctification and truth, imperfect communion with the Church etc.
The District Superior, does not comment or correct the video of Prof. Gavin D'Costa in England,who says all do not  need to enter the Church for salvation in the present times according to Vatican Council II (Cushingism version).
Fr.Paul Morgan has never in public affirmed Vatican Council II (AG 7) which supports Tradtion when it states all need faith and baptism for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

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