Friday, June 20, 2014

Holy Father genuflected at the consecration yesterday

From where I was standing at Holy Mass yesterday evening outside  the Basiilica of St.John Lateran I could not see Pope Francis offering Holy Mass.
However before the Mass, the booklet which was distributed, with the liturgical prayers and processional hymns, specifically says that the pope will genuflect during the consecration.
It states in red type and in italics:
 Il Santo  Padre presenta al popolo l'ostia consacrata e genuflette in adorazione.
(The Holy Father presents to the people  the consecrated host and genuflects in adoration)

The Corpus Christi procession was beautiful. It was a great joy seeing all those religious there.
I held my 'strategic' position, the same one, as in the years past. It allows me to walk with Jesus in the Eucharist, along side, with Him, from St.John Lateran upto St.Mary Majors.I was there two hours before the Mass started. The same as the years past.
-Lionel Andrades

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