Saturday, June 28, 2014

Italians oppose approval of the Scalfarotto homophobia bill :insulted, hampered and fined by the authorities

Siena. Sentinels standing insulted, hampered and even fined (for a megaphone). "It's a pre planned action"'
June 24, 2014
Benedetta Frigerio
Interview with the spokesperson of the Sentinels on Foot (Sentinelle in Piedi)  Siena Giampaolo Bianchi after the June 21 treatment received by police, authorities and LGBT protesters: "Totalitarian regimes have been imposed slowly exactly like this".

"Segregate, gagged and  fined by the local authorities." So the Sentinels standing in Siena "lived a real advance of the regime."
 This was the  strong tone of the press release of the newborn movement that opposes the approval of the  Scalfarotto homophobia bill. Giampaolo Bianchi, a spokesman of the "Sentinels" of Siena, took to the streets for a second silent vigil last Saturday, June 21, explains: The bill provides for the crime of opinion .It will be a crime to criticize homosexual activity. It would be considered homophobia in Italy.

THE PLACE IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. In fact, in the Tuscan town those who try to oppose the introduction of the law do  not have an easy life. The first vigil was held in Siena on May 20 in the Piazza del Campo, "but even though we had permission to demonstrate in silence the police allowed leftists  activists and the pansexual movement Arcigay to invade the piazza and insult Sentinels.There were  homosexuals kissing and exchanging effusions in front of women with children. The authorities tried to deny the Sentinel the square to protest the bill.

Two days after the first vigil , May 22, Councillor Katia Leolini of the Democratic Party  contacted the mayor. She said  opposition to the introduction of gay marriage is discriminatory and that the Piazza del Campo could not be granted to the Sentinels on Foot .  Bruno Valentini the mayor  promised a revision of the regulations for granting of the piazza.

VIGIL DIFFICULT. The vigil last Saturday was then moved from Piazza del Campo.The   City  banned the display of the banner of the Sentinels and the distribution of leaflets on the contents of the Scalfarotto bill
 "We were told that leafleting was considered a breach of public land", said the spokesperson of the Sentinels ," even though the Council has no power to decide this". Then they were asked to move from square to square.They then  moved  losing twenty minutes time granted to them.Once in the new square, the Sentinels  found a large group of protesters. "How did they know before we did that, the square was changed?" asks Bianchi.

FLYERS PROHIBITED. The spokesman went to the police asking them to provide the space as was agreed . The protesters moved from the center of the square but continued to scream in front of them.They were not discouraged and they left a box of flyers on the ground, given that they had stopped distributing them. But the traffic police told them that if  if someone had taken those flyers it would have been an abuse of power. 
 FINED. At the end of the vigil was the scheduled speech of the spokesman. The screams of the protesters  did not permit this.The spokesman read aloud the contents of the leaflet to passers-by making it clear that they had been segregated without the possibility of saying or doing anything. 
The  Sentinels were then accused by the authorities of having used the megaphone without permission: "When I pointed out to them that the others were shouting like mad,'said the spokesman," they replied wryly that before 11 you can do so because it is not  a cackle. "
The Sentinels would have to pay a fine of 100 EurosSome passers-by at the scene,offered to help them pay the fine

INTIMIDATING BEHAVIOUR: The Sentinels  said that they will not give up. They will return to the streets to denounce the intimidating behavior of institutions and law enforcement agencies.Since totalitarian regimes are imposed exactly in this way, slowly, thanks to the silence of those who fear their  power.

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