Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Most Catholics are unaware of the false premise : including those at the Vatican

Lionel. Famously faithful Catholics disagree about the content of the Documents of V2

Most of them are unaware of the false premise.
The false premise is a factual error. It is an objective error. It is not theology or a religious belief. Even a non Catholic can observe it.
So once the premise is discarded the Council changes 'overnight'.It does not depend on my opinion or that of any one else.Since it is obvious to a school boy that we cannot see the dead on earth.

which alone is evidence of the confusing nature of the Documents and several of those men who think the documents of V2 are confusing have brought their dispute to the Church (as per the New Testament) but the Church refuses to settle the dispute dogmatically but simply refers the disputants back to the very documents which are the source of the confusion.

The 'magisterium' is making the same error.
The International Theological Commission has made this FACTUAL ERROR in two theological papers of the ITC. In Christianity and the World Religions (1997) and The Hope of Salvation for Infants who die without being baptized, they have assumed that salvation in Heaven is VISIBLE for us.This was approved by Pope Benedict XVI.

I have documented this on my blog.These errors have also been made in public by Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Archbishop Augustine D Noia, Cardinal Kaspar and others.
Said otherwise, ABS thinks the number of men you will convince with your claim that V2 is Tradition is fewer than the number of female babies being born who will be named after, Totie Fields.

Once you are aware of the premise the Council has changed.One does not have to be a theologian to realize this.
-Lionel Andrades

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