Wednesday, June 11, 2014

No ambiguity in Nostra Aetate - all salvation referred to in Vatican Council II is known and visible only to God

“In many places, (the Council Fathers) had to find compromise formulas, in which, the positions of the majority are located immediately next to those of the minority, designed to delimit them. Thus, the conciliar texts themselves have a huge potential for conflict, open the door to a selective reception in either direction.” – Cardinal Walter Kasper, L’Osservatore Romano, April 12 2013
There is only compromise when the distinction between in fact and in theory are blurred.
Cardinal Kaspar has done just this and so the Council emerges as ‘ambigous’.
There is no ambiguity in Nostra Aetate , Unitatis Redintigratio etc if one is clear that all salvation referred to in Vatican Council II is known and visible only to God. So these references are not relevant to or an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors etc.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Lionel: " No ambiguity in Nostra Aetate - all salvation referred to in Vatican Council II is known and visible only to God "

    George: Not quite! Proclaimed Saints are visible by deed in so far as the Church has proclaimed Saints. Eg: Father Damien, Pope John XIII etc. And one can say with all but total certainty that those the Church calls venerable or Blessed etc are either in Heaven or Purgatory. ALL in purgatory will be Saints in God's good time.
    Where the Catholic Church errors is by NOT teaching that ALL non Catholics in every and all circumstances must convert to the Catholic Church rather than this VCII mentality which has all but ceased to teach the need and absolute necessity for conversion. And as you say Lionel, they claim that can incorrectly see the dead and forecast the possible mercies of God which is presumptious ,sinful and wrong; for which I salute your efforts, prayers, passion and tenacity.

    May God Bless you with abundant grace,

    George Brenner
