Thursday, June 26, 2014

Objectively we cannot see a baptism of desire case: the Holy Office 1949 implies we can

We are still talking across to each other.You often refer to theology.I would agree with your theology in general. I would agree with the citation from St.Thomas Aquinas.Similarly with those of the Council of Basil.
I am making a philosophical observation on which one can later build a theology. I am saying that the dead in Heaven are not visible to us. I am referring to them not being visible to us phyically on earth.I am not here referring to the theology of the baptism of desire but I am saying that physically, objectively we cannot see a baptism of desire case.
1.So if you say that they are visible then you create a theology. You say there are exceptions to the dogma. Exceptions to Fr.Leonard Feeney. Exceptions in Vatican Council II to EENS.
2.If you say that they are not visible then you create the theology. You say there are no exceptions to the dogma. No exceptions to Fr.Leonard Feeney. No exceptions in Vatican Council II to EENS.
Either of the two intellectual or philosophical observations (above) results in a theology.
The Letter of the Holy Office has chosen one philosophical observation from above.
We can tell this from its theology. 
-Lionel Andrades

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