Monday, June 23, 2014

Pope meets Franciscans of the Immaculate : seminary to remain closed

Il papa dialoga con i Francescani dell'Immacoalta The meeting lasted  an hour and a half, in the chapel of Santa Marta. Pope Francis said that the  correct interpretation of Vatican Council II is that proposed by Benedict XVI .

According to Vatican Insider and MessainLatino the  meeting took place on the morning of Tuesday, June 10 despite the Pope's indisposition  which  had caused the cancellation of some events the previous day.
The pope met with  about forty seminarians, novices or students of theology and philosophy, along with their formaters.Also present was the Fr.Fidenzio Volpi, the papal Commissioner.The Franciscans sang the Ave Maria of Fatima and in the hands of the Pope renewed their vow of Total  Consecration to the Immaculate. They then  asked Pope Francis questions on the sensitive issues of the community.
Pope Francis seemed  informed  and expressed his appreciation for Fr.Volpi, indicating that the Commissioner was acting with the full knowledge of the pope.
Regarding the motu proprio the pope said that he would be following the line set by Pope Benedict XVI.He said there was freedom to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass without it being made an 'ideological flag'.
Regarding the interpretation of Vatican Council II he said that he appreciated the work of Archbishop Agostino Marchetto which had the best hermeneutic of the Council.
Pope Francis said that he wanted to close the theological institute of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (STIM), so that  seminarians could study theology at the Pontifical seminaries. He said orthodoxy is guaranteed by the Church through the successor of Peter.

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