Monday, June 16, 2014

The Immaculate’s Committee appeal to the Pope

June 15, 2014
Here you are the appeal from the Immaculate’s Committee to the Pope:
“With Pope Francis in favour of the Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders ”
Prayer morning to support Franciscan Friars of Immaculate Founders – Rome, Largo John XXIII, 9-12 a.m., June 14, 2014.
The Immaculate Committee – made up and supported by laity belonging to Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix, Franciscan Third Order of the Immaculate and FFI and FSI relatives – has organized with delegates from several italian cities a prayer morning, on Sat. 14th of June, from 9 to 12 a.m., in Rome, Largo John XXIII, at the area between Castel Sant’Angelo Gardens and Piazza Pia.
The event is completely dedicated to Pope Francis, may He show us His merciful and paternal sight.
We as laity are broken-hearted for the suspension of the activities of the circles where we were spiritually trained by religious loyal to the Seraphic Marian charism.
Against the words of the few that inconsistently allege Fr. Manelli to be mentally ill and weak while at the same time skillful in maneuvering furtive schisms in lefebvrist disguise, lots of people like us witness his unswerving loyalty to the Church and Holy Father, as it is possible to check by reading his copious writings. In response to the thin group that self-anointedly wore the clothes of “saviours” of Holy Mother Church from imaginary schisms, building contradictory theories to support their allegations, we answer back with this prayer event, relying on mercy and openness to dialogue of Pope Francis.
The real issue at stake is not just to shut down a religious institute, it is to forbid religious and lay to continue to live their spiritual life according to the specificity of the Franciscan Marian Charism. Therefore we can’t stand aside and watch, and we appeal to the Holy Father to beg Him to give back to the people of God Fr. Stefano M. Manelli and Fr. Gabriele M. Pellettieri, so that they can offer their ministerial service, freely from the influence of those that don’t identify with their founders.
The male branch of the Institute has been affected by an unabridgeable gap. We are far from any judgement on personal choices, and with this prayer demonstration we ask the beloved Pope Francis to grant us His Holy Blessing to keep on in the line traced by the Seraphic Marian Path and publicly profess the Marian Vow, with approval and in perfect communion with Holy Roman Church, allowing everybody to follow the charism he prefers.
We trust in the Holy Father intervention, in His courage and wisdom coming from His ministry, placed in defense of the Truth. The very Truth we want to pursue constantly no matter what risks and renunciations we’ll have to face. With confidence we put the hope of our hearts in the hands of the Pontiff.

Make an announcement : Say the Franciscans of the Immaculate affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus in accord with Vatican Council II.Ask the CDF to do the same.


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