Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Vatican wants the Fischer More College and the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept a false premise in the interpretation of the Boston Case

FFI and FMC  have to accept that the baptism of desire is an exception to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They have to assume that all salvation in Heaven(implicit desire,invincible ignorance, ray of the Truth etc)  is visible on earth and then extend this error to Vatican Council II.
When this irrational inference is used in the interpretation of magisterial documents, there is a break with  the 'old' ecclesiology and theology of salvation. The result is Cushingism.
The FFI  (Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate) and FMC (Fischer More College,USA)have to be Cushingites. They have to make the factual error of the Archbishop of Boston in the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.They have to affirm that we can see the dead on earth saved with the baptism of desire, invincible ignorance, a ray of the Truth, seeds of the Word. They have to accept that these deceased-saved, visible on earth, are explicit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus .They have to say that  Fr.Leonard Feeney of Boston was wrong.
In the Boston Case the heretic was the person who denied the dogma defined by three Church Councils and who alleged that we can see the dead who are known exceptions to the dogmatic teaching.
It is with this heresy and irrationality that the FFI and FMC have to interpret Vatican Council II so that they can get permission to offer the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM). The TLM can only be offered by Catholic  religious communities who accept an irrational interpretation of the Boston Case.

 The FFI and FMC should simply tell the Vatican that they accept  Vatican  Council without the  inference. They should then make this known to all. Annouce it via the media. Affirm traditional ecclesiology and salvation theology and also Vatican Council II without the Cushing premise.Instead they should ask the Vatican Curia to affirm the Boston Case and Vatican Council II without the inference.
The FFI and FMC are being denied freedom of worship and religion because they have to proclaim a lie acceptable to the Vatican Curia.
Why do the founders of the FFI, Italian citizens have to claim that the dead are visible on earth? Why do the Americans at FMC have to support an irrationality in the interpretation of the Boston Case ? How can the baptism of desire be an exception to all needing to enter the Church for salvation in 2014 ? Testing our intelligence?!
-Lionel Andrades

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