Wednesday, June 18, 2014

This teaching of the Church on baptism of desire refers to cases which are INVISIBLE or VISIBLE for you ?

I have tried hard to explain to you that if someone is saved through Christ’s Church, then it cannot possibly be described as an exception, since they are, by desire, inside Christ’s Church although due to circumstances beyond their control, unable to have sacramental baptism.
If someone is saved through Christ's Church then it cannot be descibed as as exception....
When Catholics use the word exception it is always in reference to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
They say 'every one does not need the baptism of water since there are exceptions.There are those saved through Christ's Church with the baptism of desire.This is an exception.'
They will say "Oh no ! Every one does not need to enter the Church in 2014 with  sacramental baptism since there are those saved in invincible ignorance. These are exceptions." So there are exceptions to all needing to enter the Church for salvation, for them.
For someone to be an exception, they are not aware, he has to be present, he has to be seen, he must be VISIBLE. Otherwise how can there be an exception?
This is why I have to keep asking the Editor of Catholic Truth, Scotland  to please define her terms.
When she uses the phrase 'baptism of desire' or 'being saved in invincible ignorance' is she referring to someone VISIBLE in 2014 or someone INVISIBLE.
She will not clarify her terms.
You are denying this teaching of the Church on baptism of desire, so I think you ought to give up now
This teaching of the Church on baptism of desire refers to cases which are  INVISIBLE or VISIBLE for you ?
Am I denying invisible for us baptism of desire or visible in the flesh cases of persons now saved in Heaven with the baptism of desire?
We both could be referring to the baptism of desire and be meaning different things.
For her it could be the catechumen who sought the baptism of water and died before receiving it and he is VISIBLE on earth in 2014.
For me it is the catechumen who sought the baptism of water and died before receiving it and is INVISIBLE on earth. He is visible only to God.So he is not an exception to the dogma on salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

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