Monday, June 16, 2014

Who Edited the Tape?

The big question is: Who edited the tape?
It had to have been done by someone in the Vatican, or by someone employed by the Vatican. So the Imamgate scandal has just become even more scandalous.
To recap:
1. The Pope invited an imam to the Vatican to say prayers at an interfaith event.
2. Departing from a pre-released script, the imam prayed in Arabic for Allah to grant victory over the unbelievers.
3. The Vatican denied that the imam said anything of that nature.
4. The Vatican altered a video of the event to remove any evidence of the damning clause.
ritamalik on said:
By the way telling that I am not to be trusted because I am an ex-muslim is really nothing but ad hominem attack! I said check the dictionary and see if the word نصر which is the word in question means victory or not. You can check that on your own. I also said that the video clip on their page was censored and I was right since now I have found and posted the link to the video of the same event uncensored in my comment above and you can see that I told the truth. The last part of Imam’s recitation was missing from the first clip but not from the second which I posted. I did not make anything up or try to “strike back at the oppressor” or anything like that! I happen to know a decent level of Arabic and know Sura 2 and quite a lot of Quran actually so I could be of help. Now my muslim background helped me in this. Those who never have been muslim before usually don’t know the Quran that well even if they speak some Arabic. I was glad to be of help. I understand that you want to be sure and not be duped with someone who might want to exaggerate or have some ignoble agenda. But as I said you can check my links above and also look up in an Arabic dictionary to check and see if I was right. If you check them and find me wanting or misleading then by all means warn people about me. But if you don’t have the time, skills, or interest to check what I have said I would appreciate it if you also refrain from spreading unfounded doubts about my motives and character. Thank you!

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