Monday, June 30, 2014

We do not know any potential St.Emerentiana or St.Victor so there is only one way of salvation in the Catholic Church in 2014

All who are in Heaven are there with the baptism of water.
For salvation all need faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council ). There are no exceptions. De facto there are no exceptions.

Even this is debatable:
January 23: At Rome, St. Emerentiana, Virgin and Martyr, who was stoned by the heathen while still a catechumen, when she was praying at the tomb of St. Agnes, whose foster-sister she was.
April 12: At Braga, in Portugal, St. Victor, Martyr, who, while still yet a catechumen, refused to worship an idol, and confessed Christ Jesus with great constancy, and so after many torments, he merited to be baptized in his own blood, his head being cut off.
All who are in Heaven are there with the baptism of water.
If there is someone there without the baptism of water it would be known  only to God.
St.Francis Xavier tells us that there were persons who had died.They were  sent back to earth by God, only to be baptized with water.
We don't know if it was as such with St.Emerentiana and St.Victor were also  one of them.
However the issue is : do every one in 2014 need Catholic Faith and the  baptism of water for salvation? Every one with no exceptions?
The answer is yes!.
Since you do not know any potential St.Emerentiana or St.Victor.If there was such a case it would be known only to God.
So there is only one way of salvation in the Catholic Church in 2014. It is not the baptism of desire and baptism of blood but the baptism of water only given to adults with Catholic Faith.In 2014 there is no known salvation  outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

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