Tuesday, July 22, 2014

BODers of today carry the same Cushingite error of thinking the baptism of desire as a visible exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus-Catarella,CathInfo forum

Traditional Catholic forum - message board for Catholics
Because the BODers of today carry the same Cushinguite error of thinking of BOD as a visible exception to EENS. 
 The Cushing error of invincible ignorance that completely twists the genuine Church fallible teaching on BOD for cathechumens only that have an EXPLICIT Faith in Christ and are at the point of death.

The abomination of today's denial of EENS was never approved, taught,  thought....by any pope, saint, or theologian...
Oh wait, perhaps by Cushing and Rahner and those alike, in times where the Church has succumbed to the heresy of Modernism.

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