Friday, July 25, 2014

Cristina Siccardi has not cited Vatican Council II itself in her criticism of Enzo Bianchi and the Monastery of Bose

Cristina Siccardi in L'Inverno della Chiesa dopo il Concilio Vaticano II has exposed the doctrinal errors in the Ecumenism of the Monastery of Bose, Italy whose Prior Enzo Bianchi has been appointed to the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.However she has not pointed out that Vatican Council II ( Ad Gentes 7) says all need faith and baptism for salvation. Ad Gentes 7 is placed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the title Outside the Church No Salvation (CCC 846).
Città del vaticano, 20 marzo 2013  - © Servizio Fotografico de “L’O.R.”All the non Catholics at the Monastery of Bose need Catholic Faith and the Baptism of water for salvation.They do not have Catholic Faith, which includes the faith and moral teachings.They do not have  access to the Sacraments through which Jesus saves.In their present condition they are all oriented to Hell according to Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
In Ut Unum Sint Pope John Paul II mentions that other Christians need to accept the pope and the teachings of the Church for unity.While in Ecclesia di Eucarestia he supported the ecclesiology of outside the Catholic Church, which has the Eucharist, there is no salvation.Every one needs the Eucharist for salvation.
Dominus Iesus contradicted the leftist policies of Enzo Bianchi, when it stated that though Jesus died for all and salvation is open to all in potential, all need to enter the Church for salvation.
The heretical Monastery of Bianchi  has been criticized by Cristina Siccardi using pre -Vatican Council II documents.She has not cited Vatican Council II itself.
She has not realized that Enzo Bianchi interprets Vatican Council II using an irrational inference.He assumes that all salvation mentioned in the Council, is visible to us, physically. So these personally known cases saved in invincible ignorance(LG ), a ray of the Truth(NA 2) elements of sanctification and Truth(LG 8) are explicit exceptions,for him,  to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.In other words these deceased now in Heaven are examples on earth of there being salvation outside the Church.
This is also the interpretation of Vatican Council II by Cristina Siccardi, the SSPX and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

Cristina is the author of 52 books. She should write  book number 53,showing Bianchi, how there is no rational  citation in Vatican Council II for his heretical teachings approved by the political left.  -Lionel Andrades
July 23, 2014

"False Prophet" Enzo Bianchi is Appointed to Ecumenical Council

Enzo Bianchi und das horizontale Christentum

(Vatikan) Pope Francis named a new member and Consultant of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Unity Among Christians. No one would have seriously considered that the Argentine Pope would have also called traditional Catholics to such an important board. That Enzo Bianchi the non-clerical Prior of the ecumenical based group he founded "Monastery of Bose", would be shown the Pope's special favor is truly astonishing.

Bianchi belongs to the progressive a-dogmatic part of the Church, who interpret the Second Vatican Council and the popes after it according to their own fancy. Msgr. Antonio Livi, who has criticized Bianchi's theology in several essays did not hesitate to call the Prior of Bose a "false prophet." For Bianchi as the member of a horizontal, anthropocentric, Christendom, the only way to salvation "is imposed by by a demagogic quest for peace, an illusory universal friendship, and laicistic solidarity", so says Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi. One part of the Church which appears to have been neglected by Pope Francis. Under Pope Francis the Cardinal Martini-friend and Left wing media darling Bianchi is accordingly made a Consultant for Ecumenism.

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