Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ecclesiastical blackmail?

Fr Frederico Lombardi says the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate must be obedient to the pope. The pope ' remains the essential point of reference for every religious institute that does not wish to become an association of people who embark on an autonomous path, of their own volition, and eventually disperse.'(1)
 He means that the FFI must accept Vatican Council II interpreted with the right hand side, red column.They must accept the irrational column to remain in the Catholic Church. If they accept Vatican Council II with the blue column, the left hand side column, would it be accepted by him?
All salvation referred to in Vatican Council II i.e saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16), imperfect communion with the Church (UR 3),seeds of the Word (AG 11), good and holy things in other religions (NA 2) etc are either:


implicit                                   or   explicit for us.
hypothetical                          or   known in reality.
invisible                                 or   visible in the flesh.
dejure ( in principle)             or   defacto ( in fact ).
subjective                              or   objective.

So the Franciscans of the Immaculate can choose from the left hand side or the right hand side column.
If the right hand side column is chosen then Vatican Council II contradicts itself. LG 16 ( invincible ignorance is an exception to 'all' needing  'faith and baptism') is contradicted by Ad Gentes 7. AG 7 like the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus says  all need to convert into the Catholic Church.

If the left hand side column is chosen then Vatican Council II does not contradict itself. LG 16 does not contradict AG 7 and LG 14.

The Vatican interprets Vatican Council II with the right hand side values.

 Pope Francis does not interpret Vatican Council II with the blue, left hand side column. This has to be accepted  by the Franciscans of the Immaculate Friars and Sisters and all Catholics ?
To force the Franciscans of the Immaculate to accept an irrationality which was not part of the Deposit of the Faith before 1949 and then to threathen them with eventual dispersion is blackmail.Ecclesiastical blackmail.
 The Franciscans of the Immaculate are obligated to accept Vatican Council II but not with the red column, the right hand side interpretation.They have an obligation to reject this irrational version .
-Lionel Andrades
Fr.Frederico Lombardi does not address doctrinal questions on Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
July 8, 2014

There are Catholic religious and lay persons who use the the left hand side column in the interpretation of magisterial text


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